I've been told, "I like your writing! Why aren't you writing more? Keep writing!" It's all lovely praise...and I do appreciate it, I really do!! But there are times when I talk to myself, "I'll write about that later", which turns into tomorrow, then next week and then next month! Eventually a few months go by and you wonder "what happened?" Life happens...I have to remember to make a date for myself...not just for writing, but for doing those little things that make me, me!! We get so wrapped up in this hectic life and times flies by....
February has been a cold, dreary, sick month for us!! I think we have had the flu, ear infections, fevers, the common cold and bronchitis!! And for fun..let's throw in diarrhea! And that's just February!! Thankfully we didn't catch Strep Throat...that was going around my son's kindergarten class! I think as a whole, Canadians are counting down the days till we can say good bye to February and HELLO to March!! March...Daylight Savings Time and Spring!! SPRING!!
This past week I have been at the walk-in clinic twice!!! The first time I took my 5yo...ear infection and fever of 103!! We were seen quickly..only waited an hour! The following day I went back for me...I arrived at 9:40AM and didn't leave till 2PM!! I didn't know that I should pack a lunch!! There were many colourful "sickies" coming in...most had chest congestion! Tis the season!! I was close enough to hear it all...! I even heard a woman talking in the hall to a friend, who she hasn't seen in months. She mentioned "I didn't know who I was till my 40's..that's when I came into my own!" That stuck with me...I am approaching 40 and it was comforting to hear! I am having issues with getting older...but her comments made me smile!!
Two colourful "sickies" are in my thoughts! A man, in his late 60's came hobbling in(looking like Santa but with a haircut), raspy and gurgling in his breathe...he had a pained walk. He broke his ribs and now feared he had pneumonia. When I heard that...casually I held my breathe, for fear that I would catch something else! He joked that he had two more stops...the ER and the MORGUE!! Santa was whisked in and whisked out quickly...straight to the ER! He waved as he left and thanked the patiently waiting "sickies" for letting him go first! I wonder where he is now....
Chatty Cathy on Espresso shots was the other colourful "sickie"....she talked up a storm and laughed with everyone...she was in and out of the room a lot...she was someone you can't ignore! Now see I am quite the opposite, once I got a seat...I didn't leave it...I was comfortable with my surrounding "sickies", who didn't seem that sick...I had an extra chair on either side of me..my comfort zone...to keep the germs at a distance...so why would I get up and leave and then come back to find a new spot!? Just didn't make sense!!
Chatty Cathy "hated" me cause the year I was born she was starting high school! I "loved" her cause she said I looked younger than what I actually was!! I was au natural....no make up, no shower, hair tossed up, sick and she said I looked young and was shocked when I told her that I have 3 kids!! The 20 something guy was shocked too...he was sitting near me and offered me a book earlier and some small chitchat....when he heard my age and the kids I have, I am sure he was shuttering with shock and wanted to move away quickly!! But Cathy was amazing...full of life! She chatted about moving back, retiring and seeing her Grand Niece for the first time(I even saw the outfit she bought her), she talked about her friend battling depression and how she was gonna beat that depression out!
I loved her till the point when I realized that she was ahead of me!!! Both our names were called....she sat in one office, and I in another...only a thin wall between us!! The doctor went to her first....Chatty Cathy went on about everything...even her Mother!!! I sat in my room...checking the time constantly...I wanted to bang my head against the wall..."come on, I know what is wrong with me...just give me meds...I need to get out..I have kids to pick up from school...I haven't eaten since 7AM...I've waited this long and Cathy is talking about her Mom's hip.." Finally at 2PM...the doctor came in...we talked about 2 minutes...and I was out!!! FREE!! Prescription in hand!! I even passed Cathy in the hall...chatting with someone new!
I am sure that Cathy is enjoying cuddling her new Grand Niece....and that little baby is wondering, who the hell are you...do you ever stop talking?
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