With all the media and their bombardment of fashion and how to look...one can get lost easily. I know, I can fall for these traps.....buy this and look like this model that is 18. Its hard....we watch movies and television shows and the girls hair is perfect, along with perfect make up and accessories...I know while watching Sex and the City, I sometimes ponder about getting this or that or doing my hair like Carrie. I am a 30 something(gulp) and still am persuaded by what I see. I still find flaws in myself and find it hard to accept that my Husband thinks I'm pretty.....but I am sure that we are all like that...right, maybe just slightly?? We would want a tighter tummy(after three kids), less thigh, more boobs or less boobs, blond hair, dark hair, NO grey hair.....MAYBE we are ALWAYS left to want something more.....are we ever truly happy with what we have? Or is this the media telling us....to achieve perfection, buy this!! AND granted, this can go beyond OUR own LOOKS....cars, style of home, bigger and better, more money etc etc...
But with all this, I am proud of my daughter who is 4 1/2. Like all parents, we tell our children that they are pretty or handsome...we boost their self esteem...we tell them that they are perfect the way they are. I tell this to my three kids. Just recently, I was talking with Katie...we are going to a wedding, and it was suggested that all the little girls wear their Princess Dresses. I thought Katie would be excited to dress up and go out. I told her, " you can be pretty in your dress...and everyone will see you!" Her reply, " I just want to wear my jeans and sit with you...I'm pretty just as I am." It HIT me....I told her to wear her dress to be pretty...but she had it right...she doesn't need the dress...she just needs jeans, cause SHE IS PRETTY, no matter what she wears. That's what we have to instill in our kids......we are PRETTY and HANDSOME...just the way we are!! I hope that my kids don't forget that and get hooked like other fish...dangling all this hype/fashion/bigger is better crap in front of them. I have to admit, I have been a fish, its hard not to be......but as we get older, we get wiser!!
So....I guess I am doing OK with my parenting and instilling that they are PERFECT...just the way they are...and perhaps too....I should take some of my own advice...and then I would feel less uncomfortable when my Hubby tells me that I am pretty! Cause its easier to believe the negativity of ones self, than the positivity...sadly!
Welcome to my CRAZY Life!
Welcome Dear Reader!! I just want to share with YOU, some of the daily things that go on with my crazy bunch. Things that I ponder about. And things that I want to put out there...hopefully I can make you smile or ponder about the things that I do!
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
We NEED more Family Days...

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Story time with Grandma! |
On Monday...the actual Family Day...we left various devices off and just concentrated on us....we spent the whole day being together and it was fun. In the afternoon we played Metallica Monopoly and ate popcorn. It was mostly fun till I rolled a deuce(which I needed to win the money). Josh didn't take it very well......he stormed off! I couldn't help but laugh.....it was a fluke that I rolled it...I was just as surprised as Matt was.......and I cheered a little too much!! Josh did come back to the kitchen, after a minute or so and laughed....he was ready to start again!
It was a good day...no Internet, very little TV, no phones...it was just us...it was something that we needed...something that I think the rest of the world needs. In today's society we are soo focused on working and networking that we forget about our families and friends. We need to adopt this Family Day throughout the world. We have so many holidays where they are not REALLY holidays...people are working at stores and not being able to spend time with their loved ones....and that should change. Do we really need to go to the Mall and shop?? Can that movie/game/clothing/CD wait for another day?? I think so! We should just plan to spend the day with loved ones.....talk...make a meal together, go out and walk. Hopefully some feel the same way that I do....I hope to make at least one day a month, that its just us...with no interruptions....where we can focus on what REALLY matters!
Friday, 17 February 2012
Embarrassing Moments...brought to you by YOUR Children!
They say that "we've all been there," at one time or another our CHILDREN embarrass us. Kids come without a filter, and we have to accept this...smile, laugh at it laugh and get on with the day. I can recall as a child, I told my Mother's friend that he had a big nose and it looked weird. She felt mortified and embarrassed....he had a certain health condition(and for the life of me, I cant remember what it was)......even today, she will mention it, its something that she and maybe he will never forget. Something happened to me last week, that made me think about that situation.
Last week(or so) I was on medication, for my throat infection. I let it go on for about two weeks before doing anything...which is bad, but I did it. I was too busy being a parent. While on medication, there were various side effects......especially, I noticed, if I didn't eat right....one was nausea and other was diarrhoea(enough said). I can write about this cause most of you I will never see....so its just out there....and its easier to tell you that then in person!! Plus...we all get it from time to time....but it can still be embarrassing.
One morning, it was a school day for both kids......it was a last minute decision.....I couldn't walk them.....I wouldn't make it(kinda like a Dumb and Dumber moment...you recall the film). So I sent both of them off, with strict instructions, don't talk to anyone...just go quickly to school. I was nervous that someone would pick up Katie cause she is soo light! Josh was heavy and looked older...I felt fine with him....although I am nervous, I will go around the house with the phone in hand, just in case!! Paranoid parent...gotta love it! NO phone call came.....and by the afternoon I was better!!
I went to pick the kids up after school. Katie came out. Then we had to wait for Josh, it turned out that his teacher wanted to see me in the class, with another parent. Don't worry it was all OK, both students needed help in writing a story and the teacher was telling us about it. So in the class, there were two teachers, two parents, and kids.....when all of a sudden, Josh asked me out loud(it seemed like that at the time) when there was a lull in the classroom....."Mommy, how is your diarrhoea?" I felt embarrassed.....teachers and parents and kids were looking at me.....I had to laugh it off, and they in turn, laughed too. I had to explain the medication and how it was a side effect. After all that, we talked about home work again!!!
Gotta love our kids....they will say anything at anytime...at least he showed some interest in me and was hoping that I was better...cause as he said, " I was worried about you, I don't want you to die!" No...I don't think that I can die from that!!
Last week(or so) I was on medication, for my throat infection. I let it go on for about two weeks before doing anything...which is bad, but I did it. I was too busy being a parent. While on medication, there were various side effects......especially, I noticed, if I didn't eat right....one was nausea and other was diarrhoea(enough said). I can write about this cause most of you I will never see....so its just out there....and its easier to tell you that then in person!! Plus...we all get it from time to time....but it can still be embarrassing.
One morning, it was a school day for both kids......it was a last minute decision.....I couldn't walk them.....I wouldn't make it(kinda like a Dumb and Dumber moment...you recall the film). So I sent both of them off, with strict instructions, don't talk to anyone...just go quickly to school. I was nervous that someone would pick up Katie cause she is soo light! Josh was heavy and looked older...I felt fine with him....although I am nervous, I will go around the house with the phone in hand, just in case!! Paranoid parent...gotta love it! NO phone call came.....and by the afternoon I was better!!
I went to pick the kids up after school. Katie came out. Then we had to wait for Josh, it turned out that his teacher wanted to see me in the class, with another parent. Don't worry it was all OK, both students needed help in writing a story and the teacher was telling us about it. So in the class, there were two teachers, two parents, and kids.....when all of a sudden, Josh asked me out loud(it seemed like that at the time) when there was a lull in the classroom....."Mommy, how is your diarrhoea?" I felt embarrassed.....teachers and parents and kids were looking at me.....I had to laugh it off, and they in turn, laughed too. I had to explain the medication and how it was a side effect. After all that, we talked about home work again!!!
Gotta love our kids....they will say anything at anytime...at least he showed some interest in me and was hoping that I was better...cause as he said, " I was worried about you, I don't want you to die!" No...I don't think that I can die from that!!
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Stabbed in the Heart by a McDonalds' McFlurry Spoon....
Last Monday, while Josh was in school, the rest of the gang went out. We lived it up BIG...he hit Rona and then the Mall. The mall is our downfall....we think that we are only going there to walk around, perhaps for a treat, grab lunch and then head home. BUT it is always after lunch that we walk around...you know exercising, walking off those New York Fries or that bite from Katie's Chicken Tenders at KFC. As we clean off the table, Katie asks "are we going shopping now, are we going to buy something?" I laugh and say, "we'll just walk around!" Then it happens, we are getting close to the Disney Store..it is then I say, like all the other times, "you can go in, but we are only looking..right!?" We then leave the store with a bag, Alex got cars from Cars 2 and Katie got Snow White figurines....fail! BUT they were on SALE!!
As we head home, I casually mention that we shouldn't tell Josh everything...that he might get upset..might is the keyword...HE WILL get UPSET! He will crumble into the couch and say that its not fair and that he will never go to school again! I then got the idea of picking Josh up after school and heading out to Walmart and Zehrs...he needed to buy Valentine treats for school. So, that's what I did...I snuck out of the house...NOW I have to sneak out if I want to go alone, or Katie is always there, like my shadow. I got Josh and we drove to Walmart. He was happy. I usually walk to pick him up, so when the van is there, its like a treat. From the Walmart parking lot, he held me hand and said it was nice to be with just me. He picked out treats and even chocolate for Matt and myself...cause as he explained "we are his best friends who help him with his homework."
After paying, I walked over to the McDonalds and we went in. He was wondering what we were doing....cause we have never gone in before. Inside I offered him a treat...he chose a McFlurry. Holding hands, we gave in our order and then walked to bar stools and sat down. He ate while looking out into Walmart and then I told him about the day and what we did...and he was OK with it, cause he got a treat too...alone with no other siblings. It was then he said " its nice to do this with you Mommy. We never do things like this, alone...just you and me." It was then I felt the McFlurry spoon stab me in the heart.....it made me think. We hardly did things together alone anymore. Its either all kids or two kids, or just Katie...Josh will opt to stay at home with Matt and play computer games. His words still resign with me....it made me sad....he is only 6 1/2...and we have almost stopped doing things alone...together.
I guess too, I need to refocus, break my time apart...so each child gets that one on one time. With three kids and a husband who works long hours, its hard to find that time. But I have vowed to find that time...plan it, perhaps on the weekend and just have that moment with each child! Even now, I can still recall everything and his words.....it hurt me and made me feel bad! Its amazing what our children can say or do that will affect us to the core of our being!
Geesh....I just wonder what Katie is thinking or even Alex!! Three kids, triple guilt! I can see the teenage years now.....
As we head home, I casually mention that we shouldn't tell Josh everything...that he might get upset..might is the keyword...HE WILL get UPSET! He will crumble into the couch and say that its not fair and that he will never go to school again! I then got the idea of picking Josh up after school and heading out to Walmart and Zehrs...he needed to buy Valentine treats for school. So, that's what I did...I snuck out of the house...NOW I have to sneak out if I want to go alone, or Katie is always there, like my shadow. I got Josh and we drove to Walmart. He was happy. I usually walk to pick him up, so when the van is there, its like a treat. From the Walmart parking lot, he held me hand and said it was nice to be with just me. He picked out treats and even chocolate for Matt and myself...cause as he explained "we are his best friends who help him with his homework."
After paying, I walked over to the McDonalds and we went in. He was wondering what we were doing....cause we have never gone in before. Inside I offered him a treat...he chose a McFlurry. Holding hands, we gave in our order and then walked to bar stools and sat down. He ate while looking out into Walmart and then I told him about the day and what we did...and he was OK with it, cause he got a treat too...alone with no other siblings. It was then he said " its nice to do this with you Mommy. We never do things like this, alone...just you and me." It was then I felt the McFlurry spoon stab me in the heart.....it made me think. We hardly did things together alone anymore. Its either all kids or two kids, or just Katie...Josh will opt to stay at home with Matt and play computer games. His words still resign with me....it made me sad....he is only 6 1/2...and we have almost stopped doing things alone...together.
I guess too, I need to refocus, break my time apart...so each child gets that one on one time. With three kids and a husband who works long hours, its hard to find that time. But I have vowed to find that time...plan it, perhaps on the weekend and just have that moment with each child! Even now, I can still recall everything and his words.....it hurt me and made me feel bad! Its amazing what our children can say or do that will affect us to the core of our being!
Geesh....I just wonder what Katie is thinking or even Alex!! Three kids, triple guilt! I can see the teenage years now.....
Nail Polish.....
Just recently, I read a Tweet about Nail Polish....a new favourite colour for someone...it was then I thought about Nail Polish. When I was young, I wore nail polish all the time...it was fun to test out new colours. It could uplift me if I had a bad day...a bright shiny colour. NOW....ha ha....I dont have time for it. I might wear it when I am going to a wedding...thats about it. I am a Mother.... my hands are always wet, washing this and that and wiping here and there....whats the point...it will start to chip about an hour after putting it on.
So...my conclusion is that Nail Polish is only for the YOUNG or the RICH.
So...my conclusion is that Nail Polish is only for the YOUNG or the RICH.
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Valentines Day....is it more of market? Can't any day truly be Valentines Day!?
Today is Valentines Day and I am excited for my kids....class parties, treats, cards, clothing....its a BIG market out there!! As a young kid, I can recall receiving Valentines and feeling special because THAT boy gave ME a Valentine...and he also gave the rest of the class a Valentine, but that doesn't matter, I still got ONE from him!! As we get older...and start to have relationships, we get bummed when we don't have a Valentine...and it seems that everyone else is celebrating that special day but me!
Now as I am older and wiser(lol) I realize that I can make any day Valentines Day....and my husband and I do...we pick a night and when the kids go down, we have a nice dinner, or cuddle and watch a movie together. He does bring me flowers occasionally, and I do make him special desserts....Chocolate Triffle or something with Rhubarb. We don't need this exact day to show our love and respect to each other. When we first got together, this DAY was marred by various incidents...sickness, working and then five years ago today my Grandmother died...so Valentines Day for me isn't truly Valentines Day.....
Its more of the BIG companies making it important and making a FAST buck, think of it, it has become quite commercialized! (And sometimes I have fallen for those commercials, especially the jewellery store commercials...what girl wouldn't??)Strawberries...go up in price. Flowers go WAY up in price. Then there is CHOCOLATE...everywhere and some of it expensive. Pink and red teddy bears flow through the store shelves.....just this past weekend, I saw a HUGE RED HEART pillow for $40!! But I am sure that someone will buy it! Restaurants make dinner deals...and then there is the Card companies....don't get me wrong, I do partake in the card business, however one year I made a HOMEMADE card and Matt still has it.
I've already told Matt..NO flowers...they're nice and all...but right now too expensive. I would rather curl up with him at home, and watch some TV and nibble at some of our favourite chocolate. Perhaps I'm simple?? Matt is not complaining...LOL!! And if he wants to clean the bathroom, do the laundry and take the kids off my hands for the night...that would be BEST PRESENT ever to show his LOVE for me!! For him, I will allow him to litter the bedroom floor with clothes, leave counters dirty, and allow him to stay out late one night...all without bitching at him...that is my gift to him!! Now isn't that a great Valentines??
It should be the little things that make a GREAT Valentines.....bringing home a Tim Hortons Coffee, a bottle of wine, doing a household chore, or buying me one of my favourite magazines(The English Home)...its the little things that add up to a great love.
Perhaps too, it shouldnt be just about couples and their undying love.....Valentines should be about the LOVE that YOU have for EVERYONE...family and friends...right!? So call up that old friend who might be down in the dumps today...wish them a HAPPY VALENTINES Day...cause afterall, you do love and care about them.
Now as I am older and wiser(lol) I realize that I can make any day Valentines Day....and my husband and I do...we pick a night and when the kids go down, we have a nice dinner, or cuddle and watch a movie together. He does bring me flowers occasionally, and I do make him special desserts....Chocolate Triffle or something with Rhubarb. We don't need this exact day to show our love and respect to each other. When we first got together, this DAY was marred by various incidents...sickness, working and then five years ago today my Grandmother died...so Valentines Day for me isn't truly Valentines Day.....
Its more of the BIG companies making it important and making a FAST buck, think of it, it has become quite commercialized! (And sometimes I have fallen for those commercials, especially the jewellery store commercials...what girl wouldn't??)Strawberries...go up in price. Flowers go WAY up in price. Then there is CHOCOLATE...everywhere and some of it expensive. Pink and red teddy bears flow through the store shelves.....just this past weekend, I saw a HUGE RED HEART pillow for $40!! But I am sure that someone will buy it! Restaurants make dinner deals...and then there is the Card companies....don't get me wrong, I do partake in the card business, however one year I made a HOMEMADE card and Matt still has it.
I've already told Matt..NO flowers...they're nice and all...but right now too expensive. I would rather curl up with him at home, and watch some TV and nibble at some of our favourite chocolate. Perhaps I'm simple?? Matt is not complaining...LOL!! And if he wants to clean the bathroom, do the laundry and take the kids off my hands for the night...that would be BEST PRESENT ever to show his LOVE for me!! For him, I will allow him to litter the bedroom floor with clothes, leave counters dirty, and allow him to stay out late one night...all without bitching at him...that is my gift to him!! Now isn't that a great Valentines??
It should be the little things that make a GREAT Valentines.....bringing home a Tim Hortons Coffee, a bottle of wine, doing a household chore, or buying me one of my favourite magazines(The English Home)...its the little things that add up to a great love.
Perhaps too, it shouldnt be just about couples and their undying love.....Valentines should be about the LOVE that YOU have for EVERYONE...family and friends...right!? So call up that old friend who might be down in the dumps today...wish them a HAPPY VALENTINES Day...cause afterall, you do love and care about them.
Thursday, 9 February 2012
"I must have done something good!"
You know the movie, The Sound of Music...the scene where Maria and the Captain are singing in the gaezbo, realizing that they love each other and she sings, " I must have done something good." Well that was me about two weeks ago. Not singing of course, but thinking it...I was sick and lying in bed on a Saturday afternoon. Matt came back from the mall. He went there to get a Hockey Game for the PlayStation. He came home without one but with a ring...a ring for me!!!
It was a ring that we looked at just before Christmas. Matt had found it first and wanted me too see it. I told him NO but shook my head YES. But really I meant NO! If you read my blog before you know that we are slightly backwards....kids first, living together and then marriage(about 2 1/2 kids in). So when we decided to FINALLY get married(phew), money was tight...and as one knows, to plan some kind of wedding is expensive, then add kids in...well it can be VERY tight....so with a budget, I chose my wedding rings, the band was and is quite small...like a key chain loop....but I like it!! I guess like it to the point where we discussed getting a new one...but I was holding out for the 10 year anniversary.
While walking through the mall, we glanced at rings and chose some....just for fun.....talking about "what if, one day". And that day came...while lying in bed, coughing and sniffling...he sat down beside me, all smiles and that glint in his eyes, like he had done something...something proud and was happy and couldn't wait to tell me. He then handed me the BOX...I was shocked, happy, slightly mad(since it cost a few dollars), but OVERALL excited.
So... I guess "I must have done something good" to receive such a lovely gift......and I am thankful and blessed that I have such a WONDERFUL man!! As I look at my hand, it is a daily reminder of how much he loves me, its the ring that he chose!
Hmmm...which has me thinking now...whats going to happen on Valentines Day!?
Dont worry Matt...no pressure!!
It was a ring that we looked at just before Christmas. Matt had found it first and wanted me too see it. I told him NO but shook my head YES. But really I meant NO! If you read my blog before you know that we are slightly backwards....kids first, living together and then marriage(about 2 1/2 kids in). So when we decided to FINALLY get married(phew), money was tight...and as one knows, to plan some kind of wedding is expensive, then add kids in...well it can be VERY tight....so with a budget, I chose my wedding rings, the band was and is quite small...like a key chain loop....but I like it!! I guess like it to the point where we discussed getting a new one...but I was holding out for the 10 year anniversary.
While walking through the mall, we glanced at rings and chose some....just for fun.....talking about "what if, one day". And that day came...while lying in bed, coughing and sniffling...he sat down beside me, all smiles and that glint in his eyes, like he had done something...something proud and was happy and couldn't wait to tell me. He then handed me the BOX...I was shocked, happy, slightly mad(since it cost a few dollars), but OVERALL excited.
So... I guess "I must have done something good" to receive such a lovely gift......and I am thankful and blessed that I have such a WONDERFUL man!! As I look at my hand, it is a daily reminder of how much he loves me, its the ring that he chose!
Hmmm...which has me thinking now...whats going to happen on Valentines Day!?
Dont worry Matt...no pressure!!
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Kids suck out the Creativity!!!
I use to write...nothing world famous or anything...but I use to write in high school and then in University...I took courses and wrote various stories and poems. I still have all my work, neatly zipped up and tuck away in my closet. If I look at some of work, I wonder who that person was? She is not me? What happened to me?? What happened to me was that I had three kids and got married...that's what happened to me. I think with having kids, they slowly suck out all the creativity that one has.
To prove my point....a friend wrote me a letter and enclosed a newspaper clipping about a Short Story Writing Contest. First prize is $3000 plus tuition to a Writers Course through a college(long distance). I thought why not....and now the contest is closing in about three weeks and I have been sitting here...trying to focus, but I cant...there is always a distraction...like three kids!!! Something always comes up. Now I know that I am also to blame...somewhat...I will go on Face Book, play Scrabble, check Twitter, Kijiji, my Hotmail.....and then try to focus back on writing.
I have written two stories(not yet finished) and I do love them...but they are each over 50 pages and this contest is 2500 words...slight problem. Then I thought about downsizing my stories...I really want to win...get some more knowledge from various scholars...but reality hits me hard when the kids start fighting or meals need to be cooked, or Josh needs help with homework. I am Mommy first. Me...Sherry is last, non existent! That's how I feel!!
To get my juices flowing I started to read The Maeve Binchy Writers' Club and felt a little better! I read things that I already knew. Carving out that time for you...whether waking up earlier, or staying up later, write about what you know...etc etc...but it felt like she was writing to me and it gave me insurance...something to go on. Then Matt gave me an idea, write about how we re-met! At first though, I was starring at the blank screen, then I put my head down....I didn't know how to start...then it all clicked!! But it took me a week to figure something out! And now I am rereading what I wrote and I am thinking its kinda rubbish...I don't like it...it doesn't inspire me to do more...and shouldn't it?? Shouldn't something YOU do inspire YOU??
So....in conclusion, the more kids you have and the more your plate is full of life, it will be harder to write...to be creative....right??!! BUT in order to succeed you need to carve out that time to be YOU and YOU alone...not Mommy, wife, co-worker, daughter/friend....just YOU!! But its HARD!!! I just want to carve out that niche where I can be me and noted for being me, me Sherry! LOL....I need help....this is a messed up blog....right?? Perhaps I need more SLEEP!!?
To prove my point....a friend wrote me a letter and enclosed a newspaper clipping about a Short Story Writing Contest. First prize is $3000 plus tuition to a Writers Course through a college(long distance). I thought why not....and now the contest is closing in about three weeks and I have been sitting here...trying to focus, but I cant...there is always a distraction...like three kids!!! Something always comes up. Now I know that I am also to blame...somewhat...I will go on Face Book, play Scrabble, check Twitter, Kijiji, my Hotmail.....and then try to focus back on writing.
I have written two stories(not yet finished) and I do love them...but they are each over 50 pages and this contest is 2500 words...slight problem. Then I thought about downsizing my stories...I really want to win...get some more knowledge from various scholars...but reality hits me hard when the kids start fighting or meals need to be cooked, or Josh needs help with homework. I am Mommy first. Me...Sherry is last, non existent! That's how I feel!!
To get my juices flowing I started to read The Maeve Binchy Writers' Club and felt a little better! I read things that I already knew. Carving out that time for you...whether waking up earlier, or staying up later, write about what you know...etc etc...but it felt like she was writing to me and it gave me insurance...something to go on. Then Matt gave me an idea, write about how we re-met! At first though, I was starring at the blank screen, then I put my head down....I didn't know how to start...then it all clicked!! But it took me a week to figure something out! And now I am rereading what I wrote and I am thinking its kinda rubbish...I don't like it...it doesn't inspire me to do more...and shouldn't it?? Shouldn't something YOU do inspire YOU??
So....in conclusion, the more kids you have and the more your plate is full of life, it will be harder to write...to be creative....right??!! BUT in order to succeed you need to carve out that time to be YOU and YOU alone...not Mommy, wife, co-worker, daughter/friend....just YOU!! But its HARD!!! I just want to carve out that niche where I can be me and noted for being me, me Sherry! LOL....I need help....this is a messed up blog....right?? Perhaps I need more SLEEP!!?
Sunday, 5 February 2012
Time for thinking...with three kids???
Do you ever get to that point where you want more and you are not sure what it is??? But you feel that something is missing?? That you could be doing more?? But you are not too sure what it is!? That's me!! I know I have a GREAT life...three kids, marriage, home and health in abundance(mostly...except for colds that my darling children bring home...welcome to SCHOOL!) But I want something more...something creative...don't get me wrong......I created with my Husband three great kids...nothing can be better..... but there is something more out there...but how to reach that??
Some ideas keep tinkering in my head...and with my Hubby gone last night(UFC Fights with my Brother...and still not home) I've had time to think and let my imagination wander. What about writing.....I use to write in University...a few short stories here and there...I have saved them all, but haven't returned to them! Baking...I love to bake and tinker with recipes/ideas. Cooking...I love cooking meals and coming up with new ideas. Decorating....well, if you have read my Blog...you know that I like to decorate and buy, and paint, and check out antiques on Kijiji. So with all these things that I LOVE to do...you would think that there is something MORE out there for me to do.....but what?? How to hone on my desires...my abilities and succeed in the REAL WORLD!? Is there a REAL WORLD or are we already living in the REAL WORLD and its just how we use it.....or perhaps I've just been doing too much thinking....getting over a cold/infection and medication!!
Who knows.....I just know that there is something more out there for me.....but how to grab it??
Some ideas keep tinkering in my head...and with my Hubby gone last night(UFC Fights with my Brother...and still not home) I've had time to think and let my imagination wander. What about writing.....I use to write in University...a few short stories here and there...I have saved them all, but haven't returned to them! Baking...I love to bake and tinker with recipes/ideas. Cooking...I love cooking meals and coming up with new ideas. Decorating....well, if you have read my Blog...you know that I like to decorate and buy, and paint, and check out antiques on Kijiji. So with all these things that I LOVE to do...you would think that there is something MORE out there for me to do.....but what?? How to hone on my desires...my abilities and succeed in the REAL WORLD!? Is there a REAL WORLD or are we already living in the REAL WORLD and its just how we use it.....or perhaps I've just been doing too much thinking....getting over a cold/infection and medication!!
Who knows.....I just know that there is something more out there for me.....but how to grab it??
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