I know that we are all trying to save money here and there...more so when the BILLS come in...I am scared to see the FUTURE. How much will it cost for HYDRO and GAS in twenty years? And with these SMART METERS(are they really smart??) we have adjusted our schedules to get the CHEAPEST rate available. For one...I try not to use the DISHWASHER! Which is funny, cause as a kid we didn't have a dishwasher...my Mom's dishwasher was my brother and myself...I was the washer and he was the dryer. I always wanted a washer...I envied friends that had one...they were lucky...so lucky and they didn't know it! Flash forward a few years(yes just a few years) and I am washing dishes by hand...saving $$$$. I don't dry...most of the times I let them AIR DRY!! (Gotta save $$).
We only use the dishwasher on the weekends(cheap rate) when I have cooked a BIG meal and just cant face the dishes. But it also is during this time...while hands are in HOT, soapy water, I do my thinking..my BIG thinking...what I want to do? What I want for my FAMILY? Many great plans are made at the sink while starring out the window. Its also an escapement...cause honestly...how many actually hang around you while washing dishes...they are afraid that they will get suckered into drying! Its just me, the dishes, my IDEAS and the radio in the background. Its quite nice actually...shhhh, don't tell Matt!! And if a child does come in, they usually chat with me....it can be of no great importance, its just a chat...but we are spending that time together, one on one. And usually I find something out about their day that they hadn't mentioned before.
Last night, while washing the dishes after dinner...I paused to look after Alex. When I came back to the kitchen, Katie(who is 4) was drying her hands...she seemed proud. I asked her what's up? She told me that she washed her own plate..."I love washing dishes, its fun!" I too was proud in her, and patted her on the head and congratulated her on helping me out. I then mentioned that I should give her an allowance for helping me around the house. I asked her how much money should she be paid, she replied "10!" "Hmmm...is that DOLLARS or CENTS?" She thought about it....and replied "CENTS!" Now....should I get her to sign a contract for 15 years, that she is to be paid no more than 10 CENTS a WEEK!? Hmmm........
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