Welcome to my CRAZY Life!

Welcome Dear Reader!! I just want to share with YOU, some of the daily things that go on with my crazy bunch. Things that I ponder about. And things that I want to put out there...hopefully I can make you smile or ponder about the things that I do!


Tuesday, 10 April 2012

It was a GOOD Easter!!!

Easter just passed...done for another year...time to detox my system of Cadbury Chocolate Mini Eggs...my WEAKNESS!!! You CANT stop eating them....you CANT!! The bunny brought a FAMILY SIZE bag and left many in a crystal egg....although when "he" was pouring it into the dish, some rolled away....across the table and onto the floor...its amazing how much noise that can make at 4AM!!!  Quickly "he" picked it all up and most went into "his" mouth..."he" believes in the 5 second rule!! Once everything was placed about and hidden, "he" drank two glasses of water and went to bed...."he" was done for another year!

Josh was the first to wake, 6AM......off to the bathroom and back to bed. I laid there awake, I knew he saw the eggs near their bedroom doors and the purple basket...waiting to be used in the collection of the many EGGS! But he went back to bed and talked with Alex about what he just saw. He stayed in bed till going on 7AM, that's when Katie woke up and was excited..."the Bunny brought me a basket...look at the eggs!" It then began! The Easter rush to find the eggs, chocolate bunnies and anything else that the Bunny might have brought! And what was funny, all kids were looking for the hidden treasures and disregarded what was in PLAIN VIEW! Alex got excited and shook when he realized that underneath the shiny, colourful, wrapped foil was chocolate! He grabbed and collected the eggs and then made his way to the couch, where he climbed up top...and placed all his treasures in between his legs....he started to eat them...without taking the foil off!! The kids excitedly rushed about....they also found 2 movies and Princess Bedsheets. They were VERY happy!!

After coffee was consumed and we were presentable to the outside world, we headed to the Waterfront. There the kids and other kids played about, running from here and there...wearing off their sugar high! Parents sat or casually stood, watching their kids while sipping their Tim Hortons coffee. It was a BEAUTIFUL, mild, sunny morning! It was a perfect Easter Sunday! It was even MORE perfect when all KIDS napped in the afternoon. A Ham dinner followed...and off to bed they went. And just to think, it started off questionable....Matt was quite sick on Good Friday...but after much needed sleep....he was better!! And I didn't even mind the crowds at our local Walmart and Zehrs on the Saturday AFTERNOON!! It was one of those perfect Weekends where you wish you could push the pause button...and just live in it for a few days!

The BOYS love the water!!
Katie, being PROUD....she did the TWIRLY slide!

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