Welcome to my CRAZY Life!

Welcome Dear Reader!! I just want to share with YOU, some of the daily things that go on with my crazy bunch. Things that I ponder about. And things that I want to put out there...hopefully I can make you smile or ponder about the things that I do!


Monday, 28 May 2012

Blueberry Lemon Biscuits....

I know a few weeks ago I posted my Triple Chocolate Cookie Balls, which...while browsing my name(for fun, cause who doesnt GOOGLE their own name??) .....I came across MANY recipes that have the same title.....hmmm......perhaps I should change it?! This week I thought I would add something slightly healthy...with a kick of anti-oxidants....Blueberries.....cause Lemons and Blueberries seem to go together like two peas in a pod!

The  thing with this recipe is that I have left out the Blueberries before...Katie doesnt like Blueberries....she only likes Lemons! While making a batch before, I quickly dropped a few on a cookie sheet just for her. Then added the Blueberries to the rest of the dough....it was too wet...still a learning process...but thats half the fun.....you never know what you may create...thats why I always make notes...just incase...might discover that multi-million dollar deal......

So on a somewhat sunny, Sunday afternoon...with a glass of wine in hand...I got out my ingredients.  After I had the dough ready, I thought about patting it out and using a glass to cut out perferct circles...must have been the wine-thinking...but they turned out GREAT(and got along well with the wine, Sauvignon Blanc, from Jackson Triggs!!) Although...I must say, I like my drop method better than patting it down...more of a rustic look...you decide!?

PS. Remember too...ovens vary...perhaps set timers for 15minutes...and then test them...they should give a little...

Preheat Oven to 350

½ cup Butter(softened)
3 cups of flour (just the regular All-Purpose Flour)
2tsp Baking Powder
1/3 cup of sugar
pinch of salt
zest of 1 whole Lemon

Softened Butter should be in the BOWL first, dump the rest of the ingredients on top….then mix coarsely together with a fork, should resemble a coarse mixture…
What it LOOKS like, all mixed.....with a FORK!

2 eggs
1/3 cup of milk
Juice of WHOLE Lemon(the lemon that you just zested)
Whisk these WET ingredients…..then add them to the DRY INGREDIENTS(make a well, then pour in liquids) …mix and add the Blueberries(I use a small pint…which says 170g/6oz.)

FROM HERE…I have done two different things….
1.   ** Once mixed(not over mixed) I take a BIG SPOONful and drop the mixture(on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper)…just a good size biscuit.. and bake for 20 minutes

2.  ** Once mixed, I turn out onto floured board and just pat nicely…to about an inch thick….and using a glass, cut out perfect little circles…and bake for 15 minutes

NOW…both I have brushed with milk and have sprinkled(evenly/lightly) with sugar. I have also made a light icing(4tsp milk and ½ cup of icing sugar) mixed in a sandwich bag(I got Katie to mash and smoosh it....till completely smooth....no lumps), snipped the tip and quickly zig zagged over the COOLED Biscuits.

I have too in the past, substituted the milk for lemon juice and added some Lemon Zest(but that’s more for decoration). It all depends on the TASTES of the PEOPLE that you live with!!

DROP Biscuits.....
Patted out biscuits....

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