Welcome to my CRAZY Life!

Welcome Dear Reader!! I just want to share with YOU, some of the daily things that go on with my crazy bunch. Things that I ponder about. And things that I want to put out there...hopefully I can make you smile or ponder about the things that I do!


Sunday, 16 September 2012

Just when things were going along so well.....

This is the last weekend of Summer....it was quite cool and rainy on Saturday, today though its SUNNY and BLUE skies.... but I don't feel the cheeriness of it!! Yesterday Hubby and two of the three kids went to the cottage(its not our cottage...but its like our cottage...we are free to go when we want...all the fun and none of the hassle of owning a cottage...the best kind). So after they headed off....it was Alex and I at home. My allergies have been terrible lately and with the cooler weather, I opted to stay home where I could shut out the world of allergens! Saturday was great.....it was the day that I went through the whole house.....tidied this and that, threw out broken toys, sorted Summer clothes to be packed or clothes to be donated...I FEEL UTTERLY HAPPY WHEN I CAN SORT IN PEACE AND KNOW MY HOME IS CLEAN!! Alex was no real trouble....as long as you put on Treehouse!! I did notice that throughout the day Alex was getting a runny nose.....I knew what was coming!! It was his turn...Josh just had a mini cold, Katie didn't have it yet...but it was Alex's turn!!

The whole DAY was perfect, besides the runny nose.....then it was night time.....I had plans to unwind, have a glass of wine and watch what I wanted on the TV..perhaps turn in early and read!!! It was to be a perfect night....a night one rarely gets....a night I should have taken full advantage of, being alone......but it all went down hill about an hour after Alex went to bed.....

I ended up going to bed early so Alex could sleep with me...HA...SLEEP....we were up throughout the night!! The only HOURS I didn't see was 2AM and 4AM!! He wouldn't take medicine!! I couldn't get it in him!! I was fighting an never ending battle!! NOW don't get me wrong...I LOVE my CHILD..but I don't want to get sick...if I get sick the whole ship is going down!! With Hubby's hours....we cant afford to get sick, there is no back up plan or person!! But by 5AM, I gave in and turned and faced Alex, snot and all...and he cuddled within my neck and sneezed!!! I do believe its all over now.....I'm just waiting for my time! When he sneezed I pictured his germs floating all around me.  It was like that movie with Dustin Hoffman....the monkey with the virus.  There is a scene where they are all sitting in the movie theatre...and someone with the virus sneezes....you see all the germy particles floating, people were breathing it in....eeek...that's what I was thinking at 5AM.....my son had infected ME!!

So that has been my weekend....ONE GREAT DAY of CLEANING and SORTING, a NIGHT FULL OF GERMS and NO SLEEP and TODAY I am LAUNDERING EVERYTHING and MAKING EXTRA STRONG COFFEE!!  Hopefully by cleaning, taking extra vitamins and washing my hands...all the way up to my elbows....I can avoid this COLD...the first COLD of the SEASON! Hubby and I were right...we placed bets when the first cold would come home from school........two weeks!! BUT when its all said and done.....if someone has to get a COLD, its good to do it on the WEEKEND!! Right!?

Enjoy the rest of YOUR weekend....I am hoping to get a nap in.....sometime? Most likely not! But the idea is NICE!!

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