Welcome to my CRAZY Life!

Welcome Dear Reader!! I just want to share with YOU, some of the daily things that go on with my crazy bunch. Things that I ponder about. And things that I want to put out there...hopefully I can make you smile or ponder about the things that I do!


Wednesday, 27 February 2013


I suppose I started tweeting/emailing a certain show back in January, to find out when Nigella Lawson was coming to Canada. I knew from research, OK...from reading tweets and following people(like a mad woman) that her NEW book was coming out on February 12th...NIGELLISSIMA. Nigella even tweeted me that she was coming in FEBRUARY!! I was trying to find if TICKETS were available, or if she was doing any of the TALK SHOWS(in the Toronto area) that I had enquired with....NO REPLIES!! REPEATEDLY I tried...no RESPONSE!!

Today's RANT is why on EARTH would you list a TAB for "CONTACT US" if YOU DON'T REPLY!! NOTHING!! OK...... maybe I was at the point where I was becoming OBSESSIVE......I wanted to FIND TWO TICKETS(if possible) for myself and my Son, who is 7 and adores Nigella!! We saw Jamie Oliver last October, and Josh(my son) had so much fun!! Why not try for Nigellla!!!??  NO RESPONSE!!! I would have been satisfied with the common "glad to receive your feedback/enquiries, in a few business days we'll try to respond." BUT I GOT NOTHING!! NOTHING!!

Then about a WEEK before her arrival to TORONTO....I emailed another show, one that for some reason,  I didn't think would have her, don't ask me why, I don't know...I just assumed(and you know what they say about ASSUMING). I emailed the show, after I heard that they were giving away Nigella's new book! I got a response....A REAL RESPONSE.... I was shocked, seeing it sit in my IN BOX!!! It was from CITYLINE! They responded and gave me as much information as they could...actually we shared a few emails back and forth!! CITYLINE took the time, I know it must be hard to REPLY to ALL enquiries...and I am sure that some are missed......but they HELPED me when I needed it!! Perhaps they took pity on me and my Son(who knows), but they included me, and MAILED me, NIGELLA'S NEW BOOK!! I was was very grateful and excited and so was my Son....more so when the book arrived in the mail.

I just wanted to give a SHOUT OUT to CITYLINE! Thank you for taking the time in replying to my MESSAGE....it MEANT A LOT! I have become a FAITHFUL VIEWER!! I have always enjoyed the show before.....but now I feel closer to those around it, they embraced me as a "friend"! CITYLINE is CONNECTED with its VIEWERS!!

Since receiving Nigella's new book....I have made "Spaghettini with Lemon & Garlic Bread Crumbs", although, being me...I have tweaked the recipe....more so for the kids...to keep everyone HAPPY and added SAUTEED MUSHROOMS on top(with a little extra cheese too)!! It was DELISH!! The KIDS ask for it regularly!!! I'm EXCITED to try out more recipes soon.......

BOTTOM LINE....if you are a TALK SHOW and have a WEBSITE and have a TAB  that says "CONTACT US"......have the decency to REPLY!! Even if its the auto-reply...have something!!! Grrr.....

Monday, 25 February 2013

"Julie and Julia" and SHERRY!!

 Last night was the OSCARS, there was a time that I would be EXCITED to watch them.....NOW married, and three kids, somehow the appeal has been lost! I was craving, after the kids were down for the night, to watch something that I LOVE while browsing through my English Home Magazine.....a little ME time(which can be rare to find). I turned to "Julie and Julia".....I enjoy that film on many levels..... I can relate to both characters!! While watching the movie, I wanted to find my Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Volume 2. It was then that I came across my paternal Grandmother's COOK BOOKS!

When my Grandparents house went up for sale, I grabbed the books, notebooks and clippings and thought nothing more of it. I put them in a safe spot, with all my OLD books.... and there they sat. I would walk past them daily! Then when I moved the bookcase(which I do a lot...I have a disease where I  constantly move things) to the living room, I would sit beside these treasures, never fully understanding that they were treasures...my history! As we get older, we regret(or at least I do) not asking those questions that pester me now....where did we come from? How come I have that trait? That look? Why do I write things down while baking/cooking...improving on recipes, altering measurements...THEN I found the answer!!


I can see clearly  two generations fusing into ONE! I know from my maternal side I got my love for writing/reading and my desire(aka disorder) for cleanliness and moving things(to find a better fit within our home) and refurbishing the OLD into NEW!! Last night I found out, that on my paternal side, I am the same as my Great Grandmother and Grandmother when it comes to cooking/baking. I too, like them(which made me emotional on this discovery) have cookbooks, recipes cut out from newspapers/magazines and hand written notes improving on recipes. Theirs were all tucked away in old, old notebooks! With in all this, there were also pamphlets from the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Women's Institutes Bulletin 252, June 1919. It was ALL on "the preservation of food, home canning!" This was the year that my Grandmother was born ,therefore all this information was my Great-Grandmothers!

These pamphlets let me into a world that I had not known.....they are all about canning fruit, vegetables and MEAT(that kinda scared me....).  It was a time where you made the most of what you had, you did not waste, you shared recipes and you made that bushel of apples stretch far into the next year! Something that I think this generation lacks......don't you agree!?

It was emotional going through these notebooks, old and withered...how do you protect this!? Some are over 90 years old....I was scared to touch them, but smiled as I went page by page, reading cookie recipes from neighbours....at the top of each recipe, if it was not hers, she would write who it was from and sometimes a date. There are X's and check marks on recipes! There were also cut and paste newspaper articles on household tips...how to get your lace white, how to clean brass, when loaning plates(a piece of sticky tape on the back with your name on it ensures a return), substitutes for egg....it goes on and on! And they took the time to read, cut and paste it into their own notebook...and now I have it!!! It made me miss them even more, even though I never met my Great-Grandmother! BUT I always wondered about her, more so now(cause I am older). She came from Liverpool, England....crossed over in 1914 with her siblings! Why did she settle in King City, Ontario...how did she meet her Husband!? All these questions will remain unknown, lost History, my History....and that makes me sad!

Albert Henry and Charlotte Jones...my Great Grandparents!

At least I know I little more now.....on where I came from! Do you?
(AND I know where I get MY NOSE FROM!!)

Thursday, 14 February 2013

BRING OUT YOUR BEST CHINA.....its time for a Tea Party!!

 I've heard a few rumblings from various forms of media, about using your best china...bring it out, use it, don't let the dust collect....which got me thinking, why not!? I have been given my Great Grandmothers and Great Aunts China....it sits on my refurbished China Hutch and it is COLLECTING DUST! I should use it!! I rarely use any of it and why don't we?? I know some MIGHT break, but I rather have a GREAT TIME and see my KIDS happy then it just sitting there...collecting dust! USE YOUR BEST CHINA!! YOU WILL CREATE A LIFE TIME OF MEMORIES....BETTER THAN CREATING DUST!!  That's today's MANTRA....

So the other night, just recently, while watching Downton Abbey(LOVE that show).....I set up the China and had a Tea Party for ONE! All were in bed! I felt quite English....I knew that my English Ancestors were smiling down! Later that night, I just left the dishes on the counter, to be washed the next morning!

When Katie came down the next morning, she saw the dishes and asked "did you have a tea party?" I smiled and replied YES! She just starred at the pretty cup and saucer. I knew what she wanted!! "How about later today after Josh is in school, we have our own Tea Party!?" Excitedly she went to the hutch and pointed to a cup and saucer that she wanted to use! "I love the gold colours."

Later in the day when it was time for the Tea Party, she came downstairs and showed me her nails. She wanted to have them painted, "to look pretty!"  We got things ready and settled down for our Tea Party....while waiting for the tea to cool, she eagerly said "I've waited all day for this!" She even had her pinky finger up while sipping the tea....it was priceless!!! Next time we will be having finger sandwiches!!

That night.....Josh was upset that he missed out on the Tea Party......so he and Alex brought down the Tea Playset....the boys knocked over the cups, burped and tooted!! It was a different Tea Party from Katie's....but it was ALL FUN!! The things that you learn at a  Tea Party!!! I encourage YOU to have a Tea Party with your kids....you never know what you will learn!!

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

SWIMSUITS in APRIL!? I'm STILL in Hibernation Mode....

Love story goes like this..... they both met up again(years after school), they have a romantic courtship, marriage and a BEAUTIFUL Honeymoon!!! Buying a house and having kids happen within a few years.....and they live HAPPILY EVER AFTER!! HA!! Not us!!! REWIND........  they meet up again, they have a WILD AFFAIR(not really but don't we all wish?), she gets pregnant....they move in together....she gets pregnant again.....AND then pregnant again and while still pregnant, they get married(Honeymoon consists of a WEEKEND AWAY with the CHILDREN)....third child comes along, then they BUY a HOUSE!! And they live happily ever after!!! 

Now comes the interesting fact......Hubby has never had a chance to see ME in a SWIMSUIT! How did it happen? I don't know! Time goes by quickly...you pop out a few kids....and soon you know you are coming upon NINE YEARS together and NOT ONCE has he seen you in a SWIMSUIT! I KNOW, I've been LUCKY!! LOL!! 

I have nothing against swimming...I like it....but somehow I dodged the suit every time!! I have always felt  uncomfortable in a suit....and now....after three kids....I am FREAKING OUT!!   I don't have those FAMILY  genes, were when you POP OUT a KID, your tummy goes flat again! I love my Family...but if you look at them....we were PASSED on the SKINNY GENES!! 

I HATE all YOU skinny bitches!! LOL!! 

But now, things have changed.......

Hubby won a CONTEST at work!! I knew he had a GOOD chance...but in the back of my mind, I thought he wouldn't win....why raise your HOPES...just in case!? He WON!! He won a TRIP...anywhere!! He won a certain amount of money towards a TRIP!  We had it narrowed down to London, England(of course my CHOICE...) and St. Lucia!! For some reason he would rather lay about on a BEACH  then WALK the streets of London!! I can understand...right now we have tons of SNOW and its COLD! Canadian winters...gotta love them!  So we are LEANING towards St. Lucia and ALL INCLUSIVE!! This will be the HONEYMOON that we NEVER, truly had!!

On so many levels I am NERVOUS.....I need a PASSPORT(do I dye my HAIR back to its NATURAL colour)?! We need to FIND that ALL IMPORTANT BABYSITTER, have the KIDS LOVE the BABYSITTER, arrange times/flights....CUT the ATTACHMENT STRINGS to my KIDS....write a WILL......and MOST IMPORTANTLY........WEAR A BATHING SUIT!! 

In April I am just easing back into EATING HEALTHIER....somehow with Canadian Winters I lag, I bake and HIBERNATE...like a TRUE CANADIAN BEAR! Its NOW February......I have to WAKE up and SHAPE up....I have two months EXACTLY before OUR PLANE takes OFF!!! The next couple of months  SHALL BE INTERESTING for YOU READERS!!! I SADLY must give up my PLEASURES!! Especially... Fresh, Bakery Soft, White Bread......mmmmmm...can YOU smell it NOW!!? 

WINE ......after all, there are MANY HEALTH ADVANTAGES to DRINKING WINE....of course with moderation!!

Friday, 1 February 2013

After marriage comes the baby in the baby carriage...

Last year was the year of weddings...I wonder if there was a PUSH to get married in 2012, cause after 12 comes 13...perhaps its not good luck to get married in 2013!!! Who knows...none the less there were MANY Weddings!! We went to most ...and was THANKFUL to be part of them! So this year should be the year of the baby...and so far two fabulous LADIES are HAVING BABIES...one due in June and other due in July! I am  truly happy for them!! It will alter your life for ever more!! LOL!

Now that Hubby and I are HAVING NO MORE BABIES...I've been reflecting on my experience and reliving episodes through their Face Book Statuses(I know ..sad) and Emails. Things I know NOW and some things that I wish I KNEW.....now remember...my experiences only go to age 7!!

BABY SHOWERS....are GREAT!! Lots of FUN and GAMES!! Horror Stories, great food, silly games and GIFTS!! I just wished that SOMEONE gave me a DOUGHNUT....NOT the FOOD...but the CUSHION!! I pushed too HARD....and got HEMORRHOIDS! I didn't know what HEMORRHOIDS were...it was about a week before I got things checked out....I would cry from the pain!! Our FIRST OUTING AS A FAMILY was to get PROCTO CREAM!! Slowly YOU learn..... and by the second or third child, things get better and you become a PRO!! 

LABOUR with each CHILD was OK!!(I DON'T want to SCARE YOU!)  The first birth was not LONG...... I was playing POKER with Hubby! The nurse would come and read the monitor and comment "Wow...that was a BIG one...are you OK!?" I replied "sure....I felt nothing!" They all seemed shocked!  I felt nothing till they broke my water...... then I FELT IT!! Hubby left shortly after to eat while they gave me an epidural...after it was inserted, I was basically ready to PUSH! AND WHERE WAS HUBBY...going to EAT!! PLEASE....if your partner wants to go and eat...pack a MEAL to EAT in the ROOM or JUST OUTSIDE  THE ROOM...NEVER LEAVE THE MOM TO BE!!!! Hubby almost MISSED it...for PIZZA!!! They had him PAGED in the hospital...which they NORMALLY DO NOT DO!!

BUYING FURNITURE......I think we all FALL into that TRAP...gushing over little furniture for your Baby's room.....but don't do it!! LOL!! Yes...you need a CRIB(if you can get one that turns into a toddler bed...awesome)....but for the change table..NAH! I used a low dresser with a wide top.....bought a change mattress for like $30 with a safety belt....they only use DIAPERS for a SHORT period!  There are so many gimmicks out there...don't fall for them!!! I didn't...so far my KIDS are OK!! Plus their rooms are not cluttered!! Don't feel like you have to buy it ALL!! 

Lets face it...we see the softened photos, Mommy looking peaceful, hair swept across the brow holding her Babe in her arms...soothing him with a lullaby....YEAH....in reality Babe is crying and Mom is wearing clothes from a day ago, with spit up on her shoulder, hair tossed up in a scrunchy and singing a PINK song(or any other POPULAR song of that time).

Then comes the MOMENT when you DESPISE your PARTNER who cannot hear the BABY crying at 3AM....so what do you do...you mumble LOVELY words under your breathe and toss the blankets about...causing so much of stir that your PARTNER wakes and then suggests that HE get the baby......YEAH THANKS BUT A LITTLE TOO LATE!! Later in the day, you suggest NICELY that he should do at least one of the feedings in the night...he replies, "Sure just wake me!" I know, I know...he is working and needs his sleep to function through the day....but there were times that I wanted to reverse the roles....just to SLEEP!

Days of SLEEPING IN are OVER! I think for me, sleeping in is waking up on your own accord and not being WOKEN UP TO CHANTING of MOMMMMMMMMY!!!! You will never sleep in again...not till they move out and hopefully they DO move out....STUDIES have shown that more and more kids are staying home....that SCARES ME! LOL!

With the FIRST CHILD...everything is BUBBLED WRAP....they fall, YOU RUN..they SNEEZE you panic!! With the SECOND and THIRD CHILD......YOU ARE SO RELAXED that when there is BLOOD on the RUG, you wonder how you will get the BLOOD out of the RUG!! (Maybe exaggerating but you get the point!)

There will be times that YOU will just STARE at your child....and THINK, "WOW HE IS MINE, WE CREATED THIS KID!" And you will even ponder their future....hoping its nothing but HAPPINESS and no HEART BREAK(but it does happen...you just have to be there for them...waiting for that time).

The MOST IMPORTANT TIP.....don't let "older, wiser, mature" Moms tell YOU what is the RIGHT WAY TO RAISE YOUR CHILD!! There are times, you will be bombarded with "their rules" on how to raise a child.....YOU HAVE TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU! ASK for tips from other Moms ...but in the END, do what is RIGHT FOR YOU!! If you need the HELP...ask for it...don't be proud and suffer in silence.....MOMS are there to help....just be PREPARED to say "Thanks, but no thanks..."

Its hard to BALANCE everything when you have a BABY.....alone time with your partner, family, friends, work, money, chores....you just have to WEIGH everything out...what will work for you!! PLEASE...have a date night AT LEAST once a month with your partner...you will need it! Take it from my experience...we didn't..and you need too!! 

Finally....you will express and feel a LOVE that you have never known!! Yes, we love family, friends and our partners...but when you first LOOK at your BABY and HOLD them....there is a DEEP LOVE that overcomes you...you will do anything for this little person....they have you wrapped around their little, pink, chubby finger!! Its AMAZING!

Lastly.......CHERISH EACH MOMENT....they grow up too fast! I know it might not feel like that at 3AM when they are FUSSY....but soon, like a blink of an eye...they will be starting school and slowly finding their own dependence....and you are left standing there, wondering what happened to the time!


PPS. WRITE things DOWN....keep a JOURNAL! Its a great way to look back and have your kids read it when they are OLDER!! My problem... I did that for the first child....the second..meh kinda wrote....the third..nothing!! I feel terrible ALREADY!!