There are some mornings when the radio plays THAT song. THAT song varies for everyone...but when THAT song comes on, you feel strikes a chord within you and your whole day is set!! Your coffee is sweeter, waking the brats( is easier and making the same lunch is a joy! Then throw in the SUNSHINE and BLUE are HIGH on a drug called LIFE!
This morning the radio played all the songs I adore....especially Serena Ryder...I can "play" guitar in the air and rock it...HEAVY LOVE! Then my 9yo Son was upstairs...watching some of Chef...with a great cast, starring Jon Favreau....we both LOVE that FILM!
Follow your never know!! I love movies like this...movies that inspire you!! far today, for being perfect!! It's just one of those days that you cherish!! The air is crisp and the colours are bright...things seem you know what I mean!!!? Anyone??
I just feel is good and I want to spread the joy...!!
Now...if you pardon me, I am going to make an APPLE PIE!!
APPLE PIE seems like the perfect thing to do on a Fall day like this...
Take a moment folks and enjoy the day......look at something with a new perspective!
Find that JOY that INSPIRES you to be HAPPY....!!
It can be something new each for me....making THAT perfect APPLE PIE!
Welcome to my CRAZY Life!
Welcome Dear Reader!! I just want to share with YOU, some of the daily things that go on with my crazy bunch. Things that I ponder about. And things that I want to put out there...hopefully I can make you smile or ponder about the things that I do!
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Friday, 22 August 2014
When LIFE gets you DOWN...go to the PARK!
We are not always the HAPPY, GO LUCKY PERSON we appear to be...there are days when the gloomy weather matches your mood...dark, dreary, cold and rainy!! It's not all SUNSHINE!! Although at times I am sure that the loved ones in my life wish it was SUNNY! HA!!
But what always seems to make me smile or even people watching!! Where else to do it, but at the park my friends!! Recently...I saw three things that made me smile and even laugh out loud!! And it was based around children!! Children know how to make us smile...they don't have the worries of the world on their shoulder(and they shouldn't)..for should be where to play, what snack do I want...and what car do I want to play with.....
Attached to our park, is a baseball field...there was a game going on...not a serious game...but a fun game!! There was a child, in centre shirt, black shorts and a BRIGHT pink tutu!! She was out there, dancing and twirling...most likely told to be there, and the only way she would be there...was if she wore her PINK TUTU!! And she did catch a between flips and twirls!!
Then there was a Brother and Sister....he was decked out with all the protective gear that one should wear at 8, while trying to skateboard! Now he was on his knees, bracing himself on his board! Now bring in the Sister who was 6(hopefully)....dressed fully in purple(love it)...she was pushing her Brother around on the path...they had so much fears at all...seriously, after she rammed him into the green garbage can...he got back on.... and she pushed him again.....but this time he crashed into a tree!!! Such trust between a Brother and a Sister!
Thirdly.....there was a father and Son...the little boy..who wore a HUGE SMILE was driving one of those motorized cars...steering and driving and looking around at the kids on the swings...he veered off the path and ended up in the wood chips!! His Dad laughed and made a comment about paying attention...he got him back on the path and they continued! Now as a parent, I would never walk in front of my child.......its like grocery shopping...your child wants to push the cart and you are ahead of them...walking quickly and oddly, cause you are trying to protect your heels...your precious heels....!! Well this smiling little boy...rammed right into his Father....I laughed(and I tried to do it quietly...)...the look on the Dad's face....priceless!!!
The joys and smiles of being at the park.....the innocence! Always brings a SMILE to my face!! No matter what is going on in my life...I try to see the joy in catch a glimpse of their joy, a quick intimate moment between two loved ones, as they look at each other....and to feel the sticky arms of my children, as they wrap their love around me....I am reminded, LIFE IS GOOD!
But what always seems to make me smile or even people watching!! Where else to do it, but at the park my friends!! Recently...I saw three things that made me smile and even laugh out loud!! And it was based around children!! Children know how to make us smile...they don't have the worries of the world on their shoulder(and they shouldn't)..for should be where to play, what snack do I want...and what car do I want to play with.....
Attached to our park, is a baseball field...there was a game going on...not a serious game...but a fun game!! There was a child, in centre shirt, black shorts and a BRIGHT pink tutu!! She was out there, dancing and twirling...most likely told to be there, and the only way she would be there...was if she wore her PINK TUTU!! And she did catch a between flips and twirls!!
Then there was a Brother and Sister....he was decked out with all the protective gear that one should wear at 8, while trying to skateboard! Now he was on his knees, bracing himself on his board! Now bring in the Sister who was 6(hopefully)....dressed fully in purple(love it)...she was pushing her Brother around on the path...they had so much fears at all...seriously, after she rammed him into the green garbage can...he got back on.... and she pushed him again.....but this time he crashed into a tree!!! Such trust between a Brother and a Sister!
Thirdly.....there was a father and Son...the little boy..who wore a HUGE SMILE was driving one of those motorized cars...steering and driving and looking around at the kids on the swings...he veered off the path and ended up in the wood chips!! His Dad laughed and made a comment about paying attention...he got him back on the path and they continued! Now as a parent, I would never walk in front of my child.......its like grocery shopping...your child wants to push the cart and you are ahead of them...walking quickly and oddly, cause you are trying to protect your heels...your precious heels....!! Well this smiling little boy...rammed right into his Father....I laughed(and I tried to do it quietly...)...the look on the Dad's face....priceless!!!
The joys and smiles of being at the park.....the innocence! Always brings a SMILE to my face!! No matter what is going on in my life...I try to see the joy in catch a glimpse of their joy, a quick intimate moment between two loved ones, as they look at each other....and to feel the sticky arms of my children, as they wrap their love around me....I am reminded, LIFE IS GOOD!
Thursday, 14 August 2014
Michael Smith's BACON SMASHED POTATOES are PERFECT for this COOL weather!
Cooler weather screams for warm comfort food....comfort food to me is mashed potatoes...YUM! I could eat a bowl full for my dinner....!! Shhhh...just don't tell the health nuts...or my Mother!! HA!! I could hear her rant now....!!
Josh and I thought it was a perfect time to make Michael Smith's BACON SMASHED POTATOES....come on...potatoes and BACON! YUM!!! The only thing we switched around was cooking the bacon in the frying pan...instead of simmering in water....!! AND instead of microwaving potatoes we boiled them...the old fashioned way!! But we understand the reason for microwaving time in a hectic day!! AND since my Daughter doesn't like green onions...we used chives!! So we really switched around a lot of the instructions and ingredients!! But that's OK....LOL!!
End result...they were DIVINE!! GOOD OLD COMFORT FOOD!!!
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
You want FRESH FISH...Joey's in PEI has it!!

The following day they went back to do Lobster Fishing....on board was a pot of mussels steaming and a fresh pot of chowder!! Hubby said he had never tasted anything so fresh! So good! They all learnt about catching Lobster....and for the final....they had fresh Lobster on board!! I was slightly jealous...but I knew that they both had a it was OK!
*Now....Josh wants to live on PEI and become a FISHERMAN...and own his own restaurant!!
You never know where and what might INSPIRE a CHILD!
BACON FETTUCCINE CARBONARA.....minus the fettuccine and add linguine!! Use what you have!! I recall Smith saying that once...not sure if it was in his show or that I read it in his book...regardless...I am pretty sure it was HIM that said I try to live by it!! USE WHAT YOU HAVE...can go for all aspects of life! Be happy with what you have! Be happy with YOU! Just be happy!
While reading the directions, Josh and I were not sure why we had to simmer the bacon in water....does it make for less fat?! Anyone know....!? We did it anyways....!! Although Josh and I discussed that we would have cooked the bacon in a frying pan...drained the fat...and with all the remaining bits in the pan, use it as we tossed in the garlic and remaining ingredients! BUT...nonetheless it was yummy!!
We served the pasta in my Grandmothers Platter. I came across the platter in her attic, as we cleared her house out!! She has been gone these seven years...but I could feel her presence and I knew she would be smiling....her Great in the kitchen...and using her dish!
Josh was also enlightened and made aware of my feelings. When I cook and prepare new dishes or old ones, Hubby does at times...add flavours without tasting the "original" dish. I would fuss in the beginning but now remain silent. I always found it an insult in a way...someone spent time...preparing a dish, trying to make it perfect...then someone came along and added pepper or chili flakes without trying the dish to begin with! I have made comments in the past...and lately he has stopped adding the "heat"....but with this dish...I assumed he would want the chili I reached for the bottle...and what did Josh say, "what are you doing, the recipe didn't call for chili are going to ruin it!" He was hurt!! I was alternating the dish he made!
It was Freaky Friday...but on a Sunday and in the kitchen! Josh understood me for that brief moment! Hubby did try the dish as it was written...and then a second helping with the chili flakes...he later commented that the first serving, minus the flakes, was the best!
Needless to say...we are having together in the kitchen!! We are learning, sharing and growing together...conversations are being had...laughs heard throughout the house and more hugs are being had.
While reading the directions, Josh and I were not sure why we had to simmer the bacon in water....does it make for less fat?! Anyone know....!? We did it anyways....!! Although Josh and I discussed that we would have cooked the bacon in a frying pan...drained the fat...and with all the remaining bits in the pan, use it as we tossed in the garlic and remaining ingredients! BUT...nonetheless it was yummy!!
It was Freaky Friday...but on a Sunday and in the kitchen! Josh understood me for that brief moment! Hubby did try the dish as it was written...and then a second helping with the chili flakes...he later commented that the first serving, minus the flakes, was the best!
Needless to say...we are having together in the kitchen!! We are learning, sharing and growing together...conversations are being had...laughs heard throughout the house and more hugs are being had.
Sunday, 10 August 2014
Visiting Michael Smith's Flavour Shack has led us to a new adventure!
So my 9 year old is interested in FOOD....perhaps I lit the passion that evoked this next chapter for him and myself....whatever started it, here we go!!
Our family vacation this year was to heavenly PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND! It was our third visit. We returned to same cottage, in the Provincial Park of Cavendish...steps away from the ocean! I could do dishes and see the ocean! The air was so clean! Breezes in abundance and a shower of stars lit up the night sky! No one wanted to go home.
One day we decided to make the trek to visit Chef Michael Smith's Flavour Shack. Newly opened...and it is literally the size of a shack....his cookbooks(all signed) lined up the counters. High above on another shelf, all his personal cookbooks that he had collected! In a corner hung his two aprons that he had previously worn....visitors could try them on! Of course Josh and I did...and yes, Smith is certainly a tall fellow! There were various flavours and cheeses that you could buy....endorsed by him! All local!
Josh decided, after talking with the knowledgeable sales lady...that he wanted to buy "Fast Flavours"...she explained that Smith wrote this book, on the simplicity that the ingredients should be easily found, within a local store...and they are simple and full of flavour!!
We left PEI and came home with the idea of cooking our way through his book! Josh eagerly chose a few recipes for us to make this weekend! With busy schedules through the week, and not everyone eating at the same time, we decided that we would cook on the weekends!

Yesterday morning....we chose to make "Extra-Blueberry Pancakes"....but we switched it up and turned them into waffles!! For dinner Josh chose "Pork Chops with Tarragon Marmalade" and "Orange Ginger Broccoli" doing these recipes together we are having fun and spending quality time together...something that all families should be doing, but are lacking in todays society! Also by doing these recipes we are trying new flavours....we have never tried "tarragon" before!! We didn't know what to expect...for example...does one chop the whole herb? Or do you pick the slender leaves off?? After washing them and trying to pick just the leaves...I gave up and decided to chop it all!!
We later "googled" tarragon....and found out that you can eat the whole thing...we also learnt that it became common in 16th century in England, and 19th century in the USA (
So...I suppose the whole family is on a new chapter of learning and experiencing new foods!!!
I will be blogging about it here...all our experiences!!! It has certainly lit a light bulb in Josh....a young foodie at nine years old!!
Tonight we are planning on making "Bacon Fettuccine Carbonara".....Hubby is excited for this .....BACON!!
One day we decided to make the trek to visit Chef Michael Smith's Flavour Shack. Newly opened...and it is literally the size of a shack....his cookbooks(all signed) lined up the counters. High above on another shelf, all his personal cookbooks that he had collected! In a corner hung his two aprons that he had previously worn....visitors could try them on! Of course Josh and I did...and yes, Smith is certainly a tall fellow! There were various flavours and cheeses that you could buy....endorsed by him! All local!
Josh decided, after talking with the knowledgeable sales lady...that he wanted to buy "Fast Flavours"...she explained that Smith wrote this book, on the simplicity that the ingredients should be easily found, within a local store...and they are simple and full of flavour!!
We left PEI and came home with the idea of cooking our way through his book! Josh eagerly chose a few recipes for us to make this weekend! With busy schedules through the week, and not everyone eating at the same time, we decided that we would cook on the weekends!
So...I suppose the whole family is on a new chapter of learning and experiencing new foods!!!
Tonight we are planning on making "Bacon Fettuccine Carbonara".....Hubby is excited for this .....BACON!!
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Gardening.....I'm losing my patience and a certain squirrel is getting FAT!
Every Spring, the kids and I are excited for the garden to start growing...its starts with the tulips, which for some reason never bloom...leaves shoot up...but that's it! Oh well!! Next is the hyacinths...those actually BLOOM..lovely shades of pink and purple! Then all the perennials...its fun watching them reappear...
"Hello, how was your Winter?" they say.
"Looks like you made it through THAT brutal winter!?" I reply.
We re-introduce ourselves, become familiar with each other, mend the earth and I pull the weeds.
AND just so you know, even though we have been living here for 4 years...potatoes keep growing...I'm not sure if Hubby is playing a trick on me...but they are STILL growing, in the most odd of places!
This year, we tore down an old shed....we cleaned up the soil and prepared it for vegetables!! Its exciting seeing the fruits(err...vegetables) of your labour grow!! We did the usual tomatoes, lettuces, onions, carrots, cucumbers and this year I wanted to do peas...Summer sweet peas!! This is where we are getting into trouble...I'm losing my patience and a certain squirrel is getting FAT! I did not know that squirrels like to eat peas...but they do!!! My plant is slowly dying....and I know this squirrel is eating it on purpose!! He teases me...I'll catch him...nibbling...I run and clap my hands...he drops the pea pod and scurries to another corner and picks up a Maple key!!
"What?" he says...."I'm just sitting here with this seed!"
It's becoming a vicious cycle...and he is winning!!
A few days later, I was sitting out back...drinking my coffee, on a early Sunday morning...and what should appear...a squirrel...he comes right up to me...I try to scare him...but he keeps coming up...I on the other hand, run back into the house!! I know its the same squirrel!! I know he is plotting his next step...perhaps he'll want some Mint to go with the peas!?
Other than that...we are enjoying our gardens this year!!
What do you like to grow??
"Hello, how was your Winter?" they say.
"Looks like you made it through THAT brutal winter!?" I reply.
We re-introduce ourselves, become familiar with each other, mend the earth and I pull the weeds.
AND just so you know, even though we have been living here for 4 years...potatoes keep growing...I'm not sure if Hubby is playing a trick on me...but they are STILL growing, in the most odd of places!
"What?" he says...."I'm just sitting here with this seed!"
It's becoming a vicious cycle...and he is winning!!
Other than that...we are enjoying our gardens this year!!
What do you like to grow??
Tuesday, 22 July 2014
Time to pack and repack ONE suitcase...we are headed off to PEI!
Vacation time is upon us....its slowly creeping in...4 MORE DAYS till we head off for Prince Edward Island....the fairest Isle of them all!! It seems that we go every two years...but stay in the same cottage, in the Provincial Park, in Cavendish!! Kids are excited!! Hubby is excited...cause he gets to go fishing!! I'm excited!! I went to school there...I feel part of the Island is with me...its my home!! Do you, or have you ever felt that way...another province/state/country is your HOME, even though you were never there...its in your being, absorb into your soul! Its something you can't explain...just that it feels like HOME!
I will be excited beyond words when I see the Confederation Bridge....leaving mainland behind and going to heaven! At least thats how I feel......
This year, we are travelling in a CAR...yes, 5 of us in a CAR...a CHEVY CRUZ!! Last time it was a VAN...a BIG VAN where the possibilities of bringing back antiques and books thrilled me!! We even brought back drift wood...which now sits in our shelf of a bookcase!! This year I am determined to fit all our belongings in one BIG SUITCASE!! We should save some room in the trunk for the odd book....!!
Hubby will be fishing in Rustico, at Joey's Deep Sea Fishing!! This will be his 3rd year with them!! He says they are like family! We highly recommend them!!! He has been non stop talk about fishing for Tuna! And how he will take our 9yo fishing for cod and mackerel!!
This year...I'm excited to be going to Chef Michael Smith's Flavour Shack, in Souris!! My 9yo Son is excited too....we hope to run into Smith...but if we just get a signed cookbook and a pic by the shack...well, that will be fine too!!!
Of course....our trip is not complete without a visit to COWS, seeing Anne of Green Gables, sampling island treats, visiting with University pals and the need to travel on the road less used!! Finding a red, dirt road...abandoned, just screams adventure!!
How is your Summer shaping up? Any plans? Discoveries.....??

This year...I'm excited to be going to Chef Michael Smith's Flavour Shack, in Souris!! My 9yo Son is excited too....we hope to run into Smith...but if we just get a signed cookbook and a pic by the shack...well, that will be fine too!!!
Of course....our trip is not complete without a visit to COWS, seeing Anne of Green Gables, sampling island treats, visiting with University pals and the need to travel on the road less used!! Finding a red, dirt road...abandoned, just screams adventure!!
How is your Summer shaping up? Any plans? Discoveries.....??
Birthdays! My Daughter celebrated with JOY! My Birthday coming...not so much!

The day was spent having fun, making a cake and a little shopping in between. Then a surprise visit from some family! Since her Birthday on Saturday, she has been wearing the same Princess Disney dress.....and surprisingly it is not dirty...not one speck of dirt on the satiny white and purple dress!!!!

Her day of treats and celebrations made me think of my own Birthday...slowly creeping upon me!! A week later its my turn to have a slice of the cake!! While I'm happy for my kids to celebrate my day, I'm a little less in the celebration mood!! This is my last year in the 30's! I'm at the marker of hitting 40!! 40!! Hubby says its just a number, accept it! I'm not doing well with aging!! It scares me...I cannot accept it! I still feel like I'm 16...getting my licence...driving for the first time, a Chevy, a red Blazer...with red interior...I can remember it all....pulling out of the driveway and Tom Cochrane's song was in the background..."Life is a Highway" fitting...the world at my feet, my life ahead of many possibilities!! And here we are now....the last year in my 30's!!
I feel like I need to commemorate the 30's...reflect upon the decade and write a list, not a BUCKET LIST...that term makes me think the end is near, and its not.....
The 30's were good to me....birth of my Children, marriage, buying a house and realizing what I wanted to do with my life....I WANTED TO CREATE! I became my own individual and got to know myself! Felt more comfortable within my own skin.
What else do I want to do before I turn the BIG 40? Finish the 30's off with a BANG!?
How about did you feel, leaving a certain decade?
Friday, 11 July 2014
Strawberry Picking..... times spent with the FAMILY! PRICELESS!
This past week, we had a Family Day...we went to a local farm and picked strawberries!! The kids were excited...they got a tractor ride out to the fields....and row upon row lay the sweet berries...ready to be picked! We had never been to Barrie Hill Farms....but we knew we were headed in the right direction...we could smell the Berries before we saw the Farm!! The air was thick with the heavenly aroma!! It seemed unreal!
I know that we ate a few, right there in the fields, lips were stained red....I have never tasted anything sooo sweet, warm from the sun, full of strawberry taste! In grocery stores, you sometimes end up buying Berries from another country..and they lack that REAL taste! You become use to the half taste...then in the fields, fresh from the bush...the FULL flavour hits you hard and you know what you have missed!

We also browsed inside the market....and couldn't pass up a pie and some tarts! Of course they are calorie free...freshly made desserts!! We have made plans to come back and buy our farmers!!
Later I researched online various recipes for Jam! I settled on one and of course tweaked the recipe...I never follow a recipe, I use them as a guideline...just the way I am! Through all this I was reminded of my Grandmother. She took me Berry picking one year. I was young, but I recall the heat and the sun and how her nose kept running. She had her hankie ready, tucked into her bra strap and sometimes under the band of her wrist watch! She picked Berries, pickled various items, she seemed to do it all! I felt happy, as if she was with us...smiling!
The JAM...was delicious...and even now, I might sneak a spoonful...just to taste the FULL FLAVOUR of Summer...sweet Strawberries and remember the GREAT MEMORIES we made that day!!
I know that we ate a few, right there in the fields, lips were stained red....I have never tasted anything sooo sweet, warm from the sun, full of strawberry taste! In grocery stores, you sometimes end up buying Berries from another country..and they lack that REAL taste! You become use to the half taste...then in the fields, fresh from the bush...the FULL flavour hits you hard and you know what you have missed!
We also browsed inside the market....and couldn't pass up a pie and some tarts! Of course they are calorie free...freshly made desserts!! We have made plans to come back and buy our farmers!!
The JAM...was delicious...and even now, I might sneak a spoonful...just to taste the FULL FLAVOUR of Summer...sweet Strawberries and remember the GREAT MEMORIES we made that day!!
Saturday, 5 July 2014 myself!! For not being me!
Apologies....I know it has been far to long....LIFE happens, I got so wrapped up in the everyday, that I had no time for me...or if I did find that time for me, I would do something else(escape home and head to a bookstore) or zone out and be absorbed into a favourite movie of mine! But after typing this, I realize that its not you that I should be apologizing to, its me...I am sorry to myself for not continuing to write...after all its part of me, writing....I love writing and being creative(in many ways)....and by not doing it, I am becoming less authentic to my true self....and we all need to be makes us tick, it makes us a better a person, a better parent, friend, and lover!
So....with all this being said, I MUST carve out that time for me and be creative! We only have one life, and at times it might seem LONG...but as we get older and somewhat wiser, we realize that life goes by fast! I am ever more aware of this...this is my Birthday month! I am turning a certain age that has me terrified!!
It's my last year in my 30's...and that has me scared! Life is rushing by! Am I satisfied? NO! Do I want more? YES! Will I get everything I want? NO! But I will work hard at trying to achieve various goals! And if I don't achieve it, well....atleast I tried! Right!
So with all this being said, I am back....and for now, being an early Saturday morning, I am going to fill my coffee mug full of hopes and dreams...and quietly sit out back and watch the sun rise above the tree tops and listen to the silence...and reflect on me and all the possibilities that life has to offer.
So....with all this being said, I MUST carve out that time for me and be creative! We only have one life, and at times it might seem LONG...but as we get older and somewhat wiser, we realize that life goes by fast! I am ever more aware of this...this is my Birthday month! I am turning a certain age that has me terrified!!
It's my last year in my 30's...and that has me scared! Life is rushing by! Am I satisfied? NO! Do I want more? YES! Will I get everything I want? NO! But I will work hard at trying to achieve various goals! And if I don't achieve it, well....atleast I tried! Right!
So with all this being said, I am back....and for now, being an early Saturday morning, I am going to fill my coffee mug full of hopes and dreams...and quietly sit out back and watch the sun rise above the tree tops and listen to the silence...and reflect on me and all the possibilities that life has to offer.
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