Welcome to my CRAZY Life!

Welcome Dear Reader!! I just want to share with YOU, some of the daily things that go on with my crazy bunch. Things that I ponder about. And things that I want to put out there...hopefully I can make you smile or ponder about the things that I do!


Saturday, 5 July 2014

Apologies....to myself!! For not being me!

Apologies....I know it has been far to long....LIFE happens, I got so wrapped up in the everyday, that I had no time for me...or if I did find that time for me, I would do something else(escape home and head to a bookstore) or zone out and be absorbed into a favourite movie of mine! But after typing this, I realize that its not you that I should be apologizing to, its me...I am sorry to myself for not continuing to write...after all its part of me, writing....I love writing and being creative(in many ways)....and by not doing it, I am becoming less authentic to my true self....and we all need to be authentic....it makes us tick, it makes us a better a person, a better parent, friend, and lover!

So....with all this being said, I MUST carve out that time for me and be creative! We only have one life, and at times it might seem LONG...but as we get older and somewhat wiser, we realize that life goes by fast! I am ever more aware of this...this is my Birthday month! I am turning a certain age that has me terrified!!
It's my last year in my 30's...and that has me scared! Life is rushing by! Am I satisfied? NO! Do I want more? YES! Will I get everything I want? NO! But I will work hard at trying to achieve various goals! And if I don't achieve it, well....atleast I tried! Right!

So with all this being said, I am back....and for now, being an early Saturday morning, I am going to fill my coffee mug full of hopes and dreams...and quietly sit out back and watch the sun rise above the tree tops and listen to the silence...and reflect on me and all the possibilities that life has to offer.

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