Every Spring, the kids and I are excited for the garden to start growing...its starts with the tulips, which for some reason never bloom...leaves shoot up...but that's it! Oh well!! Next is the hyacinths...those actually BLOOM..lovely shades of pink and purple! Then all the perennials...its fun watching them reappear...
"Hello, how was your Winter?" they say.
"Looks like you made it through THAT brutal winter!?" I reply.
We re-introduce ourselves, become familiar with each other, mend the earth and I pull the weeds.
AND just so you know, even though we have been living here for 4 years...potatoes keep growing...I'm not sure if Hubby is playing a trick on me...but they are
STILL growing, in the most odd of places!

This year, we tore down an old shed....we cleaned up the soil and prepared it for vegetables!! Its exciting seeing the fruits(err...vegetables) of your labour grow!! We did the usual tomatoes, lettuces, onions, carrots, cucumbers and this year I wanted to do peas...Summer sweet peas!! This is where we are getting into trouble...I'm losing my patience and a certain squirrel is getting FAT! I did not know that squirrels like to eat peas...but they do!!! My plant is slowly dying....and I know this squirrel is eating it on purpose!! He teases me...I'll catch him...nibbling...I run and clap my hands...he drops the pea pod and scurries to another corner and picks up a Maple key!!
"What?" he says...."I'm just sitting here with this seed!"
It's becoming a vicious cycle...and he is winning!!
A few days later, I was sitting out back...drinking my coffee, on a early Sunday morning...and what should appear...a squirrel...he comes right up to me...I try to scare him...but he keeps coming up...I on the other hand, run back into the house!! I know its the
same squirrel!! I know he is plotting his next step...perhaps he'll want some Mint to go with the peas!?
Other than that...we are enjoying our gardens this year!!
What do you like to grow??