Welcome to my CRAZY Life!

Welcome Dear Reader!! I just want to share with YOU, some of the daily things that go on with my crazy bunch. Things that I ponder about. And things that I want to put out there...hopefully I can make you smile or ponder about the things that I do!


Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Tooth Fairy business sucks.....!!

We have three kids...that's a lot of teeth to lose!
End result...I would have been fired years ago!
Then again, it's not all my fault...I have kids who have short term memory. They don't always remember to put the tooth under their pillow! And the way things are going...I don't remember to remind them to do it!! Sometimes I remember...but I don't have the toonie(that's two dollars, Canadian)...so I don't remind them! Sometimes too, they lose the tooth at school and we just all forget about it!  I can do soo many things...I can bake/cook...refurbish...write...garden...fix the odd thing in the house, BUT to remember to be the Tooth Fairy!? Nah!!

Just recently my 10yo lost his molar...at school!! He left it at school for about a week! Of course the Tooth Fairy wasn't going to come...she needs the tooth under the pillow! Eventually he brought it home and left it in the hall...for a few days! Now Hubby has a phobia of teeth! He eventually saw the tooth and not sure what it was, picked it up...and proceeded to freak out!! I heard him while I was upstairs! It's great to have a relationship with him...so many laughs!

Eventually.... the tooth made it under the pillow!!

AND because I felt soo bad for the kid...the Fairy left five dollars! Well...OK, there is more to the story!! I forgot that he placed the tooth under his pillow!! It wasn't till morning that I heard the heavy footsteps...and him muttering "she isn't real...she's fake. My tooth is gone and there is no toonie! It's crap!" Right away I questioned him like a good Mother does, "did you look everywhere? Under your bed? Did you even make your bed this morning? Just go have your shower for now, I'll look later! She wouldn't do that to you!"

Once I heard him in the shower, I grabbed the only money I had...a five dollar bill...and went quickly downstairs and made his bed and left the money on the comforter. Later I told him what I found! He was excited! I just looked at him and said "see...you have to really look for something, just don't glance at things and assume..!"

Being a Fairy is hard work!! You have to remember the TOOTH!! You have to have the CASH! Who carries cash anymore?? Everything is debit/credit! You have to slide your arm under the pillow carefully! You have to remember where the squeaky floor boards are! If the bedroom door creaks! And make sure there are no toys on the floor! Some kids are excited and sleep lightly, in hopes of seeing the Tooth Fairy! Once...forgetting my Daughter's tooth, I sat up at 6:30AM knowing that I forgot! Grabbing the toonie, I walked past her bedroom door and threw the coin on the floor!! When my Daughter woke up and saw the coin, she said, "Wow the Fairy must have been tired! She left the tooth and the coin is on the floor!"

Yeah....she was!!

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