Welcome to my CRAZY Life!

Welcome Dear Reader!! I just want to share with YOU, some of the daily things that go on with my crazy bunch. Things that I ponder about. And things that I want to put out there...hopefully I can make you smile or ponder about the things that I do!


Wednesday, 12 October 2011


I thought that I was FINISHED with homework when I graduated from University...all done...time to have that party where you burn various things! Then I had kids!! Josh is in Grade One...and so begins HOMEWORK...all over again!! He has weekly Spelling Tests, the lists come home on Friday and he has a week to get ready..or shall I say...a week for ME to get him ready!!

From reading various books and listening to those "parenting experts" on TV(no comment please), I allow him to unwind after school, we will chat about what happened during the day, make dinner, chat some more and then after dinner...its all over, no more NICE/FRIENDLY MOMMY....its NASTY/CRITICAL TEACHER! It all starts off with me saying, "OK, get your paper and pencils...its time to test you on your words...lets go...." After the test, we go over the words. With the ones that he got wrong, he will write lines...LOL...I am sooo mean....but by the end of night he gets better. We only spend a GOOD half hour...thats all I can take. Come on....I cant miss Prime Time Television and bedtime for them is 8pm.....its a small window. BUT it must be working, so far he has gotten perfect on his tests!!

Now, if we mention MATH....well...thats another story altogether. For some reason, if your write subtract, he'll still add, if you write 'count from 19' he'll start counting backwards.....if you add 0 or subtract 0 from a number he looks puzzled....ugh....its a learning process. I'm afraid for chemistry/fractions etc etc.....I'm screwed!! BUT then the better half says he can do it all....and believe me, he will!!!

I now understand while working at a Liquor Store, years ago, a lady came in just before 3pm and bought an economy size bottle of wine and replied to me "its to help me with the kids and their homework!"

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