Welcome to my CRAZY Life!

Welcome Dear Reader!! I just want to share with YOU, some of the daily things that go on with my crazy bunch. Things that I ponder about. And things that I want to put out there...hopefully I can make you smile or ponder about the things that I do!


Saturday, 31 December 2011


I cant believe that its already the last day of 2011!! What happened?? As we get older, I find that the days go by faster....too fast at times!! What is happening!? A week ago....I was preparing for Christmas, making sure that I had everything and was ready for when Santa arrived. That flew by. It was such a crazy, busy, Christmas Day...most of it spent in the kitchen, preparing the meal and cooking a BIG Breakfast! Christmas night, my Brother took the kids(minus wee Alex) for a sleepover to his house. It was a quiet night...since my Hubby went too(to drive them), I cleaned up everywhere...its amazing where wrapping paper goes. But I got the house back in order and fell asleep after midnight. I should tell you too....Boxing Day(since the kids were still gone) I took down the tree..yes, I know its sad(as a child our tree went down on New Years Day) but I couldn't take the mess and clutter anymore...perhaps I need a BIGGER house...but that's not likely...so down the tree came...and order came back to the house!! And I felt better...clean and tidy...I could breathe!!

Just after SANTA arrived....left many presents and FULL stockings!!
 The kids loved Christmas and had a great time...especially since their cousin came up from the States....Josh loved playing with Anthony...and was quite sad when he left!! But we promised him that Anthony would be back in the Summer! YES....I had four kids and a dog to keep my days busy!!! And now its New Years Eve....Hubby is working! Which makes me sad...but it is extra money...money to bank for a rainy day, so I shouldn't complain!! And here we are...last day of the year....how it goes by fast! It was a good year.....full of growth and laughter...some troubling aspects(you cant change people, especially if they don't want to change)...but you just have to ignore them and move on, be HAPPY with your life! AND I was quite HAPPY!! (Especially when kids are in school!!)

With the New Year, many talk about making Resolutions! Do YOU!? Will YOU?! I don't think that I will. Is there any point? Many get broken. Most are about eating HEALTHY, lose weight(don't we all wish for that), find that perfect job, more money(somehow), perhaps even to find that soul mate and have children. I think that I am quite lucky. I have the perfect man(I know no one is perfect, but he is close), a great HOME that I adore and three kids that I cherish. We have enough money to get by and have a little fun on the side. We have some great friends and family and our health. So what more could I ask for??? I know that some have MORE money than us...and they are not happy.....so why would I want more money?? I just want to live comfortable(try to be debt free)....and not to worry so much(like sooo many of us do). Perhaps plan a family trip and enjoy it.....that's all!!

So as the last day of 2011 marches on...I want to WISH YOU ALL, A HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Stay safe!! And whatever YOU dare to WISH or DREAM, I hope it comes TRUE for YOU!! Only YOU can make it the year YOU want!! Sometimes you might have to do daring things, leave some people behind that poison your life, take that chance to succeed...whatever it is...DO IT!! This is YOUR life! You ONLY get once chance....live with NO REGRETS!!

(Don't worry, she was just holding it for Mommy)

Friday, 23 December 2011

HAPPY HOLIDAYS FOLK...to be politically correct!

I just want to take this moment...before it all goes crazy, and we lose sense of time with the rushing about to WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON. I know we celebrate many traditions around this time of the year, so I am wishing YOU and YOUR FAMILY the best!! Wherever in the world you might be...taking the time to read this in Russia, Germany, The States, and my home Country....Canada...and a few other countries where someone read my BLOG once or twice...THANK YOU...and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!

I'll be busy tonight....shopping for groceries..with the other crazy people. Tomorrow is all about thawing the turkey and making the Chocolate Cherry Trifle from Nigella Lawson's cookbook. Some family will visit, and my Brother and nephew will be staying the night.....all of us will be in bed early...waiting for Santa to arrive!! Which reminds me...Josh wants to make Butterscotch Chip Cookies for Santa(something else to add to my ever-growing grocery list).

After the shopping...and the kids are in bed tonite...I think I'll cozy up with the Hubby and watch Scrooge, 1951 classic with Alistair Sims.....that is THE CLASSIC....it wouldn't be Christmas without it!!

Happy Holidays and may you have a great time with family and friends!! Enjoy each others company...laugh, sing, talk and even shed a tear for those that aren't with us anymore.

PS. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 22 December 2011

The COUNTDOWN is on..........Christmas is ALMOST here!

Last night was my kids' School Concert. My Hubby made it home just as I was opening the door to leave. It was quite a scramble...put the dog in her cage, change batteries in the camera, make sure their faces were cleaned, clean clothes on, hair tidy...remember the gifts to donate to the Barrie Cheer, make sure their jackets were dry(it was raining hard earlier)....open the door...there is Daddy...quickly he changes and then we all hussle to the school!! This was our first Concert with kids....it was awesome...seeing them all smile, proud of their accomplishments, singing, signing and story telling...sooo much fun. I took a few pics, but they weren't good...the lighting in the gym wasn't the greatest..and I was a ways back.....but it was GREAT!!! Even Alex loved it...clapping and running up and down the aisle....trying to get closer to his brother and sister!!

Alex applauding his Brother and Sister!!
Today...both are in school...and now its time to FOCUS...what has to be done that isn't done yet? I only have two days left...with both in school...my clock is ticking! So I organized the stocking stuffers...CHECK!  Wrapped Santa gifts for my nephew who is coming up from the States...CHECK! Cleaned out the closest in my bedroom...to hide all the loot...CHECK! Re-do lists....CHECK! Now I guess I just wait........and clean...blaaaa....I should really clean after the HOLIDAY SEASON when its all over!! That makes more sense to me!! Cause seriously, come Christmas morning...when there are shreds of paper everywhere, food crumbs about and a messy kitchen(cause the Hubby is doing the turkey and the stuffing...God Love Him) why am I bothering to clean about the day before??? Any answers?? I didn't think sooo!!

I do have a SUGGESTION for all you that haven't wrapped gifts yet.....DON'T BUY SHINY WRAPPING PAPER........its too slippery!! Well the one I bought is!! I had a hard time wrapping/folding and trying to hold it while getting the tape cut. Plus the one gift is an odd shape....that was fun!! So, what have we learnt?? That shiny Christmas Paper might be pretty to look at...its a bitch to use and wrap gifts! That's my tip for the day!!!

Tonight's agenda.....take Josh after Hubby gets home.....to go buy COOKIES(that are NUT free) for his class. Tomorrow his class is watching "The Polar Express" an EXCELLENT movie...if you ask me!! He has to bring his ticket for the train...and wear comfy, cozy pjs!!! Katie will be having a class party and bringing Cheesies!!! And I will probably be cleaning(I know)....and trying to enjoy the last day of PEACE till they go back to school on January 9th...eek...that's too far away!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Christmas Memories......

Waking up early Christmas morning...creeping along my bedroom floor, slowly opening my door...crouching down and feeling for my stocking, grabbing it and pulling it into my room.....quickly jumping onto my bed. There I would feel the lumps and curves of my Stocking...what was in it?? Slowly, one at a time, I would pull something out and marvel.....Santa came. An hour or so later...once everyone was up, my Brother and I would sit at the top of the stairs...sitting there excitedly...talking about what we got in our stocking, we would chatter about what was downstairs in the living room...under the tree. (Also...my Mom yelling at my Dad  to get up..."the kids are waiting"..BUT that's another story!) That's what I remember.....it was all soo magical. 

It was also EXCITING to see the plate that was filled with carrots and cookies the night before...NOW empty, just a few crumbs and a letter from Santa.  To us as a kid, it was AWESOME...Santa was here in our house, ate our food, wrote us a note and left us presents. That was the best part of Christmas. All the innocence of a child. I can even remember certain smells that I only recognize with Christmas....opening my box of Crayola Crayons, that clementine at the toe of the Stocking...the smell of shortbread cookies....my Great-Grandma's Misty Mints.....my Grandma's Crock pot Potatoes......the smell of turkey...the pudding steaming for three hours...its all Christmas!!   And it makes me, even today...believe like the children, that Santa is out there....preparing for the BIG night, checking his list......

 I cant wait till 3AM...when my alarm goes off....to jump up and prepare, Santa's little helper.....setting things out...making it just soo.  Then wait till the kids get up and yell "its Christmas...get up..lets see what Santa brought!?" Makes me a kid again...young at heart...and that's what it is all about.

Lists all over the place.....YUP Christmas is in a few days!!

A few days to go till the BIG DAY and I have lists here and there...where to go, what to get for the last minute ideas...it can be too much with three kids and one VAN that the Hubby is using to go to work. So I sit and wait and the list grows longer, till Hubby gets home, late...and  then I go out LATER and check things off my list. Thank GOODNESS that Walmart is 24 hours!!

Even yesterday...last minute(although for awhile now I wanted new furniture..tired of the old stained couch..littered with formula, accidents and some puke...from all three kids) we went out..picked out a new couch and love seat and they delivered last night...just before dinner. I feel at home now...ready for the festivities and family that it will bring....something new for their tushies to sit upon!!

The NEW furniture...a REAL living room...ahhhh!
 I have re-gone through my bags...double checking..gotta make sure that I have everything. Then I have made a BIG grocery list. It appears that my Brother(who could eat a small village out of their food) is sleeping over with his son(Anthony who is 11) on Christmas Eve.....so with Josh's help we decided to have a BIG breakfast....all the trimmings...after all its Christmas.....so he wants bacon and sausage, cheesy scrambled eggs, and pancakes. For the adults it wouldn't be Christmas morning without a little Baileys in the coffee...after all we have to assemble the toys, cut the packaging, use our screwdrivers to get the toys out...which reminds me...BUY BATTERIES!!!! So....us parents NEED a little Baileys in our coffee!!!

I suppose that I am ready......after tonight's shopping the only other shopping will be for the food...I think right now I am more excited for Christmas than the kids...cause I know what they are getting...its sooo much fun!! I cant wait to see their light up.....

Happy Holidays everyone!!!!

Monday, 19 December 2011

Christmas Dessert......FINALLY chosen ONE!!

After eating till your stuffed(lol)...next is Dessert. We know that we are FULL, turkey alone can do it! Dessert puts an end to the meal....the Christmas meal...it has to be important!! Every year...for as long as I can remember it has been a Christmas Pudding and Butterscotch Sauce. It was in my Great-Grandmothers recipe book. And when my Mom got married and had kids, it was her task. It appears that who ever has the kids, hosts the family dinner. AND when I was a twenty-something, and still at home...I started to make the pudding...the pudding that I NEVER ate..yuck...but I still made. It was gross, raisins, currants, shredded carrot/potato, breadcrumbs, corn syrup, butter, brown sugar...spices...and then mix it all with your hands...GROSS!! Then steam it for three hours.  But I did it and continued to do it till this year!

This year, my family are not coming, I will see them on Boxing Day for Chinese(yumm yumm). It will be MY little family and brother and his son....so I decided on finding a NEW TRADITION...something WOW...something that you don't have everyday. I have ALL of Nigella Lawson's cookbooks...I love Nigella...I guess you could say she is my "girl crush"....her and Julia Roberts!! After going through various recipes and consulting my critics(the kids and Hubby)....I have decided on Nigella's Chocolate Cherry Trifle!!! I have made some notes on where to cheat....I will let you know how it goes!! I am sure it will be a HIT...who doesn't like CHOCOLATE and the odd CHERRY!? Seriously.......

Friday, 16 December 2011

Josh WALKED to school ALONE.......gulp!!

When I was 5 years old...not too long ago....after a week of my Mom walking me to Kindergarten, I did it alone. I was scared but felt OK...since we knew alot of the neighbours along the route to school. It also helped that my  Grandparents lived across the street from the school. It was a close knit neighbourhood, we knew everyone! Not now. People come and go, no one stays forever in one home like they used too!

I only know my neighbours attached to me...that's all...everyone else is a stranger. But today things changed.....people are still strangers....and I cut the strings(so to speak). Alex who is just two, was awake alot during the night, sick with yet another cold...caught from his sister! He awoke at 6:51AM and till going on 9AM he cried constantly. He was in rough shape. Crying, puked in the sink, runny nose and slight fever....sitting in my lap...I escaped once or twice to get a MUG of COFFEE...needed desperately!! I decided....to let Josh walk himself. He asked "what if someone wants to take me?" I answered, "well it would take two people to carry you off, so if someone saw this, they would help you!"  After some more talking he felt ready!! We even joked that he could pick up some girls!!

He looked PROUD...standing there, getting ready to leave the nest! I told him that I would watch him till he was at the end of the street and halfway through the path! (Its only a 10 minute walk to school.) He smiled and hugged me. Outside he started walking and blew kisses to me. Inside I was freaking out...I knew he would be OK...we have been walking together for a year now....but I still worried inside. Perhaps too I was nervous...this is the first step into being a BIG BOY...what is next for him!? Steps leading into his own  independence...sigh.......soo much ahead of him! It scares me... I want him to do well in life and most importantly, be happy!

At the school they have a safe arrival.....all is WELL...he made it!!
I cant wait to see him after school....I'll be proudly waiting for him at his school entrance door!!!

PS. After some Tylenol, Alex seems to be chipper....just a runny nose...like a tap!!

Thursday, 15 December 2011

My Floor Sweeper........aka Jasmine!!

Having three kids, three meals daily and sometimes snacks, makes quite a messy floor. For some reason, they don't understand lean over, don't pick, don't play...just eat your meal. And after every said meal, out comes the broom and sweeping I go...I think I should be good a Curler! Sweeep hard....Hurrry Hard!! But since getting Jasmine, she sits under the table at every meal and waits for things to drop...waiting to pounce! Eagerly waiting for someone to drop food.  Who will it be?? What will it be??

I do feed her, I follow the directions......so she is really not hungry...kinda like us humans, we might be very full after a delicious meal....but something tells us to eat that extra piece of pie, biscuit or have that last scoop of mashed potatoes out of the pot(easy clean up, no need to pack it up for leftovers)...perhaps that's why she does it?!

She chooses Alex...the messiest..for some reason his food on his spoon or fork just doesn't quite make it to his mouth...and then there is Jasmine...tongue ready and sweep...its gone!! I can at times see her head, popping up between his legs, trying to catch the food and Alex doesn't mind, he thinks its fun. With the other two kids, they are still messy but there is no real mess like Alex. She will even sit right beside Katie and stare at her...like she is trying to communicate with Katie..."please...give me that pasta. You don't want it? Do you!?"

The only other issue I have with the floors is that she leaves her footprints everywhere...especially if its a mild day, and things are bit muddy!!! How can I solve this?? IS it wrong to buy her boots?? I have started to follow her with the Wet Swifter...cleaning up....NOW for me this is hard...cause I am a CLEAN FREAK...I love sparkling clean floors....sigh.....those days are gone, unless I can figure something out.....I could clean her feet before she came in, but you know that's HARD to do to a dog!!! So I suppose....I'll be nice and allow her to clean my floors after the kids eat and I'll come up behind her and follow her with my Swifter...till her feet are dry!

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

I am ALPHA DOG...hear me ROAR!!

So, you know that we got a dog named Jasmine!! Nine months old and FULL of energy..wanting to go go go!!! Since my first walk with her...it was MORE her walking me and I was begging for her to stop so I could rest and lean upon a tree. Not NOW baby......I have been reading documents on line...trying to get a handle on Labradors! Did you know that they come from England!! I love all things BRITISH...perhaps that's why I wanted one! After reading a site on walking your dog, I was ready to tackle her nightly walk! I made her sit, fastened the leash...still making her sit till I WAS READY..... I then went outside! OWNERS go out first! If a dog went out first, they are leading you! I never knew that!! Tight leash...no room for movement, you walk her, she stays beside you or behind you. YOU stop when YOU want too, not the dog...you let the dog sniff things that YOU chose, not what she wants!!  So with all this information...out we went!!

It was hard at first, but with the tight leash and my arm behind me(awkward), we walked slowly. I kept saying to her...I am the ALPHA DOG, you are my bitch(soo much fun...I kept telling her..."I'm in charge")....I just hope that people weren't listening to me. But we had a slow, regular pace walk. And I didn't let her wander to sniff things, I decided what tree or electrical box she could sniff. Then on the sidewalk....there it was...someone left it behind...was this a trick, were the gods playing with me and my strength, a test....we came across half a sandwich...REALLY!!! But I had her walk around it...even though she tried to get it...I WON!!! Hear me ROAR!!!

Another obstacle..which can be hard to ignore....were the barking dogs behind the fence alongside the sidewalk...but Jasmine did it!! Also...the neighbourhood we live in, there are an abundance of CATS!!! We came across 4 or 5 cats....and just when I forced a stop, till I was ready to proceed, or having her sit down till I was ready to move....a cat would come out from under a car or a truck...REALLY....it was like the CATS were flaunting in front of Jasmine..."look at me...come and get me....ohh that's too bad you are on a leash...meowww....I'm not on a leash...na na nana na..." BUT we did it. The evening was mild and she walked GREAT!! Sometimes a LITTLE TOO FAST...but we made excellent progress!!!

So reading up on these things worked...thank goodness for the Internet!! Now to work on jumping...which will take more time I am afraid. But as a friend mentioned on Face book, she is still a pup, it will take time, we all have to get used to each other! The one thing that I wont ever get used to is the GAS...wholly crow...she could knock you off your feet with her AROMA!

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Josh needs to learn...COINAGE!!

Josh's teacher commented today that he doesn't know the value of coins...OK...I listened and agreed to teach him!! But first I mentioned to the teacher in all honesty...that I don't have any coins!! When was the last time that YOU used COINS!? Now a days its all DEBIT or CREDIT...although I opt for DEBIT!! The teacher laughed and agreed and then offered me play money that they are using in the classroom....ummmm...."cant YOU just teach my son then, after all you are teacher!" I thought that...but didn't say it....like I have sooo much time now...three kids and a D-O-G (that I am trying to train..LOL)!!  I need longer hours in the night!!

I think after today...I'm just going to make myself a cup of tea...and try to relax as two out of three kids are out back playing with the D-O-G!!

Perhaps, I need a POT OF TEA!!!

Dogs........I Dont Know!? How do YOU know if a choice is a MISTAKE?

Well....Jasmine, a nine month old black, Lab came to our home.......and it hasn't been the same since! I have never had a dog before and although she is cute, I must say that the saying Cats Rule....and Dogs Drool is COMPLETELY TRUE!!! She is EXCELLENT with the kids, takes sooo much!! But with us she is sometimes uncontrollable....like jumping! No matter how many times we say NO, in an evil, authoritative tone...she still does it! Why? My kids who hear that tone, will do anything I say! I wonder too....with three young kids(6 to 2) is she MORE excitable and energetic cause she sees and hears my kids?? Any thoughts?

The one thing that concerns me is that Katie is afraid to pass her....and now spends more time in her room! Is that right, to make ones child uncomfortable in their own home?

I know this morning, Jasmine was too energetic when I opened the front door...I had thoughts of ALL of us walking to school. I couldn't get Alex out of the house, he was afraid cause she was too GUNG HO on running.

That's another thing...when walking a dog, aren't they suppose to be calm?? She has a collar that tightens, if she gets too far ahead, she is suppose to slow down and walk with me....she is going to strangle herself and pull my arm out of its socket!

I guess you can say that I am having doubts....but I am sure that with proper training she would do better?? Right?? I am just concerned...with our choice/actions in life, how do we know when a mistake was made!? Do we admit it? Accept defeat...or persevere...finding a solution?

One thing though....she can sure CLEAR a ROOM...the gas in her!! I did not know that dogs could fart(pardon the language!).

But its still a transition period....right!??

Friday, 9 December 2011

REMEBER to share the JOY with others!!!

I have been soo wrapped up in getting the gifts, wrapping them, hiding them and designating some family members on certain gifts for the kids. And now all this D-O-G talk is the cherry on top of the sundae. BUT I want to remind everyone...especially if you are shopping this weekend, to buy another toy and donate it. Josh had a presentation earlier this week, he talked about what he saw on the news.....donations to various charities. He then asked about it. He now wants to buy a gift and donate it....which is awesome.

I know times are hard, money doesn't stretch that far anymore.  It cant be hard to have that MERRY Christmas with three kids and all the relatives, but we need to spread a little Christmas...share a little joy with others. The kids' school is having a Christmas Concert and asking for donations for food. I hope that EVERYONE takes the time this weekend and buys a toy!! Also, while shopping at the Grocery Stores...donate a little there too...most are collecting for the Food Bank and Salvation Army. Together we make others have a Merry Christmas......its not too late...so get out there!!!



END of a Chapter!!

It would appear that today is the end of the chapter for our family of five. Tomorrow we are getting a new addition...and like the lady on the street said to me this morning(a complete stranger), "dogs are your children, they are worse than your own children".........we are picking up our nine month old, black Lab named Jasmine. Its a GIRL...albeit furry and drooling, but its a girl. In my mind I have already bought her a stocking for Santa to fill, and have lost 20 pounds from walking her...religiously...twice daily(is that enough??)......and cleaning up her poop and her trampling on my garden hasn't even crossed my mind once.....HAHA...it has crossed my mind a million times!!

All week, I have been chanting to the kids, " I know something you don't know, do da, do da..." and it bothers them sooooo badly!! They want to know!! I even barked once, just once...for the fun of it....but they didn't get it. Gotta love kids!!! I know they will be excited when they see her and then realize that she is coming home with us. I'm HOPING that they will be excited....who knows, maybe one has a deathly fear of dogs and we don't know yet!? Wouldn't that be funny...OK, it wouldn't!! But they do like animals...from afar that is! And they liked Lucy the Cat...when we had her!! So I think it will be alright!! I just hope that Jasmine is ready for us!! And she doesn't eat the Christmas Tree or the gifts under it!!! She would definitely be going on the Naughty List!!!

So today....I have done little but relax(still wacky back problems).....its like the calm before the storm. I have cleaned, tidied up and vacuumed....for some reason I think that Jasmine would appreciate me cleaning for her!! I have made a space for her bed...in the family room...I hope she likes it!! And I know just where to put her dishes in the kitchen and where to store her food!! I suppose I am ready!! Just waiting.......a new Chapter is drawing nearer......cant wait to share it with you and show pictures!!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

PART 2: To Dog or Not to Dog.....that is the question!

So....we have decided, if all things go according to plan....to add to our family. First off, I did email various shelters where they had dogs for adoption. It tells you right there on their page...email for more details...I did!! I had one reply within the two minutes.  It turns out that Zelda would not be right for our family. And the other replies...did not come in....I waited...but nothing!  I didn't  want to come across as a persistent, nagging lady who keeps asking, "how come you don't reply to my email!!?? HUH??!!" So I have left poor Bart behind...hopefully he will find a good home, perhaps he already did and the shelter just did not take the time to reply!! But they should have!!

So...come Sunday we are picking up(from a friend, who is becoming quite busy and wont have enough time for her) a nine month old, black Lab named Jasmine!! Right now I am more excited than the kids....more so cause the kids don't know!! Although this morning, causually.....I showed Katie a picture of Jasmine.  I asked "look at this.....would you ever like a dog?" I was not expecting her to say, "no...I'm scared of dogs. I only want a cat. That's all!" HUH.....so we started to talk about dogs.  I mentioned that "dogs are friendly and that they could protect you.  You can also take a dog for a walk. You could even feed her the food you didn't want!!"  Katie laughed!! I then went on to say that "a dog could sleep with you, keep you warm and that the dog could help Mommy wash the floor."  Katie thought for a minute and then replied, "OK...we can have a dog, I don't want a cat anymore!"

As I mentioned, I am excited and nervous on how things will go! We only had a cat before...and we really didn't want her...she came to our house and stayed and went on to birth three kittens in the front closet. By fall, Lucy had disappeared and kittens found a home. I would have a cat again, but I developed asthma with them...I love cats though,  I had one as a child. Dogs on the other hand, I have very little experience with. While in University, the house I lived in had two dogs...the one, Kooder...always slept with me...she was sweet. I also walked both of them.....that was FUN...we shouldn't say that WE are walking the DOGS...when in fact its the DOGS walking US!! But it was fun!!

Its all new...its like having a baby, and baby proofing the house. Do I have to do that with a dog?? Should I get down on her level, see whats on the floor?? I know about chocolate and dogs, is there something else to know!? Can I save time and bathe Jasmine and Alex together?? I've even tidied up the back yard, do you think that Jasmine will notice??

I'm just looking forward to Sunday and seeing the expression on Josh's face...when the dog comes with us!! I'm sure that she WILL motivate me to loose some more poundage around my waist...that baby tummy just doesn't want to leave. So now the question remains...can Jasmine sleep with us(not likely as Matt says) and do I have to get Jasmine her own stocking....cause I know Santa might have something for her!!!

Yippie....my fourth child is coming!! This birth will be easy peasy!!

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Oops..forgot that Katie had HOMEWORK and it was DUE today!!

I can easily get wrapped up in something and forget about other things...like for example Katie's HOMEWORK!! Since she only has school on Tuesdays and Thursdays and some Fridays, Thursday HOMEWORK in her communication bag was placed on top of the fridge, with various other things. After that it was a blur....we kinda got sick or some were still sick.  Then it was the weekend, busy with this and that.  And then Monday rolled around...it was all D-O-G talk....what to get? Should we get one? Buy a puppy or get a needy dog from a shelter, we were basically looking for advice!!  THEN in the afternoon, Katie puked all over her Dora carpet(which has been rolled up and tossed...shhhh don't tell my Mom).

Its NOW Tuesday morning...I wake up to Josh screaming "NASTY...Alex is all WET!" Alex comes trotting in our room and tries to touch and play with a scented candle(Holiday Berries) and then drops it on my foot as I try to catch him and the candle.....after changing and dressing him and Katie and picking out stuff for Josh...I trot downstairs in DIRE NEED for coffee...after making the coffee and making lunches, I grab the communication bag on top of the fridge...it then hits me....KATIE'S HOMEWORK!!

She was suppose to decorate a cut out gingerbread and bring it back to class. Use crayons, markers, fabric, yarn, stickers, glitter glue etc etc etc....CRAP...I was going to do this on the weekend...go to Walmart and beautify our Gingerbread WOMAN!! Quickly thinking...what did we have??? Markers(basically dead....I heard that Santa is bringing new ones), crayons broken and little bits here and there(Santa is bringing new ones too...so I've been told) and some pencil crayons....and no real bling of any kind. Katie is going to have a SUCKY, pathetic Gingerbread.....those were my thoughts....she cant go to school with that!!! I even asked her, "are you sure you feel better to go to school??" Hoping that she would want to stay home! Nope...didn't work!!

Quickly, I outlined a top and pants...Katie coloured the top with a deep burgundy and the pants black.  She drew a face, I drew curly, brown hair. We needed BLING and fast...thinking quickly, I remembered my Holiday stickers that I was putting on Christmas Cards...they had two glittered bulbs...those would become earrings!! Little blue, glittery stars would decorate the shoes...NICE!! HUH!!?? Then glittered Candy Canes would become buttons on the shirt...nicely done!! Then I found red and gold, glitter ribbon....I cut some off and it became a shawl for our Gingerbread Woman!!HA!! Beat that!!  I just wish now that we took a picture...cause in 20 minutes we had a design that looked like it took longer!!! LIKE we planned it all out...HA HA!!

It was then too....I realized she had other homework....homework that had to go back with comments...(beep).....Thankfully Katie can count and recognize numbers from 0-20.....we quickly went through the cards! I asked her after, "do you have any questions, do you understand it?" YUP was all I needed to hear...phew...quickly I wrote in the book how she can count and recognize numbers...make some more stuff up...babble babble babble....gather it all up, put it in her bag, grab lunches...make sure they finish breakfast and out the door....DONE!!

That was my morning!! All done in an hour and a half!! AND I had time to wash my face and put on mascara!!! AND get 3 cups of coffee into ME!! How was your morning??

Monday, 5 December 2011

To DOG or Not to DOG...that is the question!!

For awhile now, Matt and I have been talking about a DOG. I have always wanted a Golden Retriever. They seem to be the safest dog to have around kids...in my mind...I haven't read anything or researched it...its just what I feel! And they are sooo cute and squishy. I also want my kids to have a bond with an animal...I had one( a cat...but there was still that bond...unconditional love). Recently, after a Santa Claus Parade, we saw a float sponsored by a Rescue Shelter for Retrievers.....and so the conversation started up again.

Last night, we looked online at adopting a shelter dog. Reading their stories made my heart go pang and I was saddened for them all....sooo many sad stories, neglect, puppy mills, found in a ditch or some were just given up cause the family was having another child and couldn't give the dog what he/she needed!!! And alot were noted as not being good with children......which leads me to my question for you, dear reader......what would you do? Would you adopt, rescue a retriever....or buy one from a breeder!? AND for that matter what type of dog??

The next question that comes to mind is.....how much does it take to look after a dog?? Are we going on trips? Where will the dog stay?? Not that we do go on trips...we mostly do trips alone(one stays at home while the other escapes for a weekend)...BUT what if we DO decide to go away?? Then what??
Soooo much to think about....so my question, to all YOU readers out there....what would you do?? What have you done?? Let me know........

Christmas means "its time to relax with diets!" Right!!??

So..all year, we try to eat right, exercise and stay away from those bad foods...like chocolate, fried food, take out and wine. Some of the Seasons are not forgiving. For example....Summer.....I could never justify eating that extra wing, or those chips that were just sitting there...in the bowl.....looking so lonely. If I did eat them...(in my mind).....my arms would become fatter or my thighs thicker...and those parts are always exposed. As Bridget Jones said "I don't want you looking at my wobbly bits!"  But for some reason, come winter(when the layers go on) I get a little lax with avoiding those extras....or that extra glass of wine(who am I kidding...I'll ALWAYS have that extra glass of wine).

BUT for CHRISTMAS...everything seems to go out the window. All year long I avoid Turtles...I love Turtles....but come the Holiday Season when every store has tinned chocolates and cookies and candy...how can one resist!? I cant!! I justify it like this....its Christmas, everyone is Happy and Merry...we go for dinners, parties and we all indulge in those extra treats that normally we don't do....like Shortbread Cookies, mmmmmm....made with BUTTER...mmmm....and the Holiday Season is sooo short...why not!? Do you indulge?? Do you say "the hell with it..I'm eating that chocolate!!"?

So...this year, I will indulge....NICELY...and try to balance it with low cal breakfast(and lunch and dinner), extra sit ups, extra walking and lots of WATER...lets flush the system! And then come January 1st, like everyone else....my New Year Resolution will be to diet......and the year will go on, and I'll try my best.....and after three kids, well....lets just say that Hubby likes "my wobbly bits!" And after all, that's all that matters!!!  Right? We don't need to all look like those Hollywood "girls"!?

Friday, 2 December 2011

For the LOVE of Day Quil......

Yup...that's right, I fell into the sickness trap....BANG...it got me!! The thing with this cold is that its FAST....one morning a slight sore throat...by night time...I'm dying...sinuses and all. That's when I would have taken two blue pills for the night...but all we had were ORANGE pills...Day Quil....BUT IT WORKED!! I just didn't sleep well at all...but then it doesn't help that I have three kids sick...hacking away in their rooms!  Then there was Josh, banging and complaining of a sore throat.......as I laid there, wanting them all to sleep, Matt my knight...ran about giving out doses of medicine. He told me later, that the green stuff works the best......that's how we flow here....we go by colours of the medicine!!!

This morning...was another SICK DAY......collapsed on the couch, kids about all runny noses...I bribed them with shows. Gotta love Treehouse and Disney!!! 24 HOURS a DAY of shows!!! The ultimate babysitter!!! I have watched a few shows today.......I don't understand Waybuloo.... I don't get that show...I have never done drugs...but watching that show must be what its like on drugs....floating here and there...I just don't get!! We wont watch Barney.....I don't like him...I don't know, I just don't like it. The other shows are tolerable....and sometimes I laugh too...perhaps that is what happens when you are sick. Another show that is cute...which I heard online that it scares kids(but it doesn't scare mine) are the Wots Wots...I laughed with them and so did my kids...but then again I am sick!

So it has been a day of mindless TV, Day Quil and tissues and juices!! The ultimate lunch was grilled cheese...normally I don't eat it..but there was something about that sandwich...comfort food I suppose. Gooey cheese at its best!!!  But I gotta say... I LOVE DAY QUIL....it took away all my pain and made me somewhat normal and functioning.....lets just get this cold over with..and back to normal for Monday and for Christmas.....

Thursday, 1 December 2011

NORAD tracks Santa and LETTERS from Santa...ONLINE!!

Since its December...tick tick tick....that's what it is like in OUR HOUSE...waiting for Christmas!! I just, online, sent off photos and things that the kids want for Christmas....and the site even asks if they were NAUGHTY or NICE!! You get this email back from Santa addressed for the child. Its a video email!! Its awesome!!! Last year, the kids wondered how Santa got the photos and knew what they wanted!!! TOTALLY FUN!!!!!!

Here is the link:


For something else ....NORAD tracks Santa and life in the North Pole and its up and running....


Lets HAVE FUN!!!!

Sickness....lets get it through the house before Christmas!!!

Yesterday was a long day......long and tiring!! It all started Monday night, well actually it all began on Sunday. Coming home from the Santa Claus Parade in Richmond Hill, I knew that Katie was not well....she was too quiet. A parent knows that when a child is quiet and kinda lifeless.....they are getting sick!!! I never thought years ago when I planned to have three kids, that they will get sick...and usually within a few days of each other...its like domino's....and so tiring!!  Note to self: when TISSUES go ON SALE.....buy LARGE quantities!!

Katie got sick first....sore throat, runny nose, coughing and just miserable, not wanting to eat or drink. I do have to say, Katie was quick with getting into the cold and starting to feel better....I thought it would be a singular event!! Then Monday night, about an hour after putting the kids down for the night, Alex woke up crying. Monday night was LONG.....I switched beds with Josh, so he could get some sleep. I saw every hour....he would just settle and so would I, then he would wake and cry.....and cry....and cry!!!

Finally Tuesday morning arrived..I over slept. Its funny....how a child knows when its early dawn...they start to sleep soundly...just when you need to get things done. I took one look outside to a winter wonderland....and blowing snow. I heard the snors of Alex, the coughing Katie next door and Josh said that he had a little sore throat........and being tired...I gave UP. I called the school!! We were having a SICK/SNOW DAY....and a HUGE NAP in the afternoon!!! And that's what we did. And because I have a guilty conscience, I made Josh do Math Sheets, Spelling and Reading.....there was one point in the day that Josh wanted to go to school.....I kept correcting sheets till he got them ALL right!!

So....it was a LONG day...a day that I wanted to sleep and eat chocolates under the comforter. But we got on....did some school work, played a little in the snow(although Alex lasted 10 minutes and Katie lasted 25 minutes outside...yup I counted the minutes...come on, wouldn't you...finally getting them ALL outside!). Thankfully, last night no one really woke during the night(just Josh twice, trying to sleep with us), and the odd coughing fit from Katie or Alex(wasn't sure who). I just hope that they all get sick and get it over with before Christmas.

All I want for Christmas is a SICKNESS FREE HOLIDAY SEASON. The only sickness allowed is from drinking too much wine or egg nogg!!