Welcome to my CRAZY Life!

Welcome Dear Reader!! I just want to share with YOU, some of the daily things that go on with my crazy bunch. Things that I ponder about. And things that I want to put out there...hopefully I can make you smile or ponder about the things that I do!


Saturday, 31 December 2011


I cant believe that its already the last day of 2011!! What happened?? As we get older, I find that the days go by faster....too fast at times!! What is happening!? A week ago....I was preparing for Christmas, making sure that I had everything and was ready for when Santa arrived. That flew by. It was such a crazy, busy, Christmas Day...most of it spent in the kitchen, preparing the meal and cooking a BIG Breakfast! Christmas night, my Brother took the kids(minus wee Alex) for a sleepover to his house. It was a quiet night...since my Hubby went too(to drive them), I cleaned up everywhere...its amazing where wrapping paper goes. But I got the house back in order and fell asleep after midnight. I should tell you too....Boxing Day(since the kids were still gone) I took down the tree..yes, I know its sad(as a child our tree went down on New Years Day) but I couldn't take the mess and clutter anymore...perhaps I need a BIGGER house...but that's not likely...so down the tree came...and order came back to the house!! And I felt better...clean and tidy...I could breathe!!

Just after SANTA arrived....left many presents and FULL stockings!!
 The kids loved Christmas and had a great time...especially since their cousin came up from the States....Josh loved playing with Anthony...and was quite sad when he left!! But we promised him that Anthony would be back in the Summer! YES....I had four kids and a dog to keep my days busy!!! And now its New Years Eve....Hubby is working! Which makes me sad...but it is extra money...money to bank for a rainy day, so I shouldn't complain!! And here we are...last day of the year....how it goes by fast! It was a good year.....full of growth and laughter...some troubling aspects(you cant change people, especially if they don't want to change)...but you just have to ignore them and move on, be HAPPY with your life! AND I was quite HAPPY!! (Especially when kids are in school!!)

With the New Year, many talk about making Resolutions! Do YOU!? Will YOU?! I don't think that I will. Is there any point? Many get broken. Most are about eating HEALTHY, lose weight(don't we all wish for that), find that perfect job, more money(somehow), perhaps even to find that soul mate and have children. I think that I am quite lucky. I have the perfect man(I know no one is perfect, but he is close), a great HOME that I adore and three kids that I cherish. We have enough money to get by and have a little fun on the side. We have some great friends and family and our health. So what more could I ask for??? I know that some have MORE money than us...and they are not happy.....so why would I want more money?? I just want to live comfortable(try to be debt free)....and not to worry so much(like sooo many of us do). Perhaps plan a family trip and enjoy it.....that's all!!

So as the last day of 2011 marches on...I want to WISH YOU ALL, A HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Stay safe!! And whatever YOU dare to WISH or DREAM, I hope it comes TRUE for YOU!! Only YOU can make it the year YOU want!! Sometimes you might have to do daring things, leave some people behind that poison your life, take that chance to succeed...whatever it is...DO IT!! This is YOUR life! You ONLY get once chance....live with NO REGRETS!!

(Don't worry, she was just holding it for Mommy)

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