So..all year, we try to eat right, exercise and stay away from those bad chocolate, fried food, take out and wine. Some of the Seasons are not forgiving. For example....Summer.....I could never justify eating that extra wing, or those chips that were just sitting the bowl.....looking so lonely. If I did eat them...(in my mind) arms would become fatter or my thighs thicker...and those parts are always exposed. As Bridget Jones said "I don't want you looking at my wobbly bits!" But for some reason, come winter(when the layers go on) I get a little lax with avoiding those extras....or that extra glass of wine(who am I kidding...I'll ALWAYS have that extra glass of wine).
BUT for CHRISTMAS...everything seems to go out the window. All year long I avoid Turtles...I love Turtles....but come the Holiday Season when every store has tinned chocolates and cookies and can one resist!? I cant!! I justify it like this....its Christmas, everyone is Happy and Merry...we go for dinners, parties and we all indulge in those extra treats that normally we don't Shortbread Cookies, mmmmmm....made with BUTTER...mmmm....and the Holiday Season is sooo short...why not!? Do you indulge?? Do you say "the hell with it..I'm eating that chocolate!!"?
So...this year, I will indulge....NICELY...and try to balance it with low cal breakfast(and lunch and dinner), extra sit ups, extra walking and lots of WATER...lets flush the system! And then come January 1st, like everyone New Year Resolution will be to diet......and the year will go on, and I'll try my best.....and after three kids, well....lets just say that Hubby likes "my wobbly bits!" And after all, that's all that matters!!! Right? We don't need to all look like those Hollywood "girls"!?
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