When the kids get sick...which sometimes seems to be monthly, especially when they are in school. The germs go from child to child and then to the parents!! Although it seems that only I get it...my husband bypasses a lot of the sicknesses...mostly because he works LONG hours and outdoors. This past cold was minor with the kids. Minor as in no one wakes during the night to complain of a sore throat, fever, vomiting, plugged nose and just feeling miserable to the point where sleeping on Mommy feels better! It was a simple cold.....one night they go to bed, the next morning they have the sniffles...that's it!
When I got it...BAM...this is my first day feeling more like me, normal to some degree.....and this is day 8 of the cold. This is the first day of not taking Advil or DayQuil....I was starting to feel like a junky...gotta pop pills to feel better! I had a sore throat for a week...and it wasn't normal...it was like I swallowed a ball and it hurt to swallow....and I still haven't slept through the night....but at least the kids didn't get it!! So I shouldn't complain!!
So....that's what happened to me...in case you were wondering?? It was hard and is hard...you cant call in sick as a parent...somehow you have to muster on, and try to get the job done. Perhaps bedtime for the kids come earlier and relying on Hubby becomes more of a NEED. I am thankful that when Matt came home from working 12 hours...he slapped on his Daddy Hat quickly and got to what needed to be done. Thank YOU!!
Now that I am back(kinda)....I am ready to clean this HOUSE from top to bottom, sort and organize...reclaim my HOME...and start baking more often. The one thing with being sick and loosing my sense of smell and taste...you loose weight...cause really, who wants to eat something that you cant taste...there is no FUN in that!! Eating was boring!! I'm still waiting for my taste and smell to come back....I'm blocked solid! Just letting you know! LOL!
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