Welcome to my CRAZY Life!

Welcome Dear Reader!! I just want to share with YOU, some of the daily things that go on with my crazy bunch. Things that I ponder about. And things that I want to put out there...hopefully I can make you smile or ponder about the things that I do!


Friday, 13 January 2012

Various things and the update on the KD Challenge!!

Well it has been a LONG week of sorts. Various issues has arised...some I wish to leave behind...almost like placing trash at the curbside and waiting for the garbage man to come around and take it away with him...if only!! Wouldn't life be easier...place all your worries, troubling issues, poisons of sorts at the curbside and wave good bye to them, as the muscular, unshaven, dirty sanitation worker hauls the bin in the hopper...and drives away to the next house, to collect their worries...life would be easier! As the New Year approached I thought to myself, cause I really don't make resolutions, I would clear my life of worries and issues that can make one sick.....I'm still trying to cleanse myself...I guess it can be a long process! I shouldn't focus on others...just focus on MY LITTLE FAMILY...cause in the end that's all that matters.....why cant I though??

Wouldn't it be AWESOME to move, pack up all your belongings, head out to another province...I suppose though, we would need a job first...then find a place to live!! But I can dream!!

As for the KD Challenge.....it is only week two and I am tired of KD. So we adapted our challenge to make it all pasta(or try too)...pasta is fast and easy and cheap and so many things can be added to it....right!? And we threw in rice too....why not mix it up a little!! (Although not rice and pasta mixed together.)The kids haven't complained, nor has the Hubby...so I guess things are OK!! AND you can make HUGE pots of this stuff!! And when in doubt...after the kids have eaten and I cant stomach KD anymore, I'll have a bowl of good old Cheerios...I LOVE Cheerios!!! Although we do cheat on the weekend..since we are all home....I'll make nice meals. So its KD/pasta/rice through the week...and nice meals on the weekend!! That's OK...right!!?

So here we go....getting ready for week three of KD and sorts.......gulp! I think though that Katie is getting tired of KD...she keeps asking me "when is it Summer?" Just a few more weeks Katie.....just a few more weeks!! LOL!

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