As a don't get to sleep in any more...those lazy weekend mornings are over! There are times that I miss sleeping in till 10...slowly rolling out of bed, start the coffee...and then sink into the couch, watching the Food Network or HGTV, sipping coffee and watch the hours melt away.
Now(flash forward a few years), if I have stayed up till midnight on a Friday or Saturday night(catching up on things that I couldn't do when the kids were awake), I am screwed come the morning...KIDS don't sleep in! Not till they HIT the TEENAGE years...and I don't think that I am ready for that(at least not yet). This is what happened this past weekend. Both nights I was up late...knowing I would be tired the next day...I still stayed up!! Sunday morning I heard the familiar song of "Mommy....I wake! Mommy!" Alex is in the top bunk and still doesn't know how to get down. Cursing myself...I dragged myself out of bed and got him.......shortly after the other two were awake...and so the day began!
In the kitchen I began the routines of making coffee and grabbing the paper from the front was then coming back with the paper that I noticed the SUNRISE!! The yellow painted kitchen was turning hues of pinks, purples and was something that I hadn't seen in a long time! Shortly after the skies clouded over and it was all gone....just a grey sky! Before the SUN disappeared and the sky darkened I took a picture. SUNRISES like these are too far 'n between in January. I quickly told Katie to glance out the back window....she replied "BEAUTIFUL!"
It made me many things do we miss out on in life? I saw this BEAUTIFUL SUNRISE and a few moments later it was GONE! Try to GRAB each moment as it comes....spend that extra time with your kids, family and friends....relish in it.....
Set your alarm, watch the'll be surprised how it sets the MOOD for YOUR DAY!!
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