Welcome to my CRAZY Life!

Welcome Dear Reader!! I just want to share with YOU, some of the daily things that go on with my crazy bunch. Things that I ponder about. And things that I want to put out there...hopefully I can make you smile or ponder about the things that I do!


Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Its like saying GOOD BYE to a DEAR, DEAR FRIEND! Pathetic I know!!

Hubby and I have been saying it for awhile.....we suggest it, casually.....but never thinking that we are actually going to do it!  BUT after looking at accounts and trying to think where to save...what do we need and what do we NOT need.......it had to be DONE! With my 2013 New Year Rant and after watching a certain show...full of energy and positivity on where to save money and how to get ahead!! I got this IDEA(again)...and told Hubby later that day when he came HOME.  He simply replied, "do you want me to do it now?"

Eeek....where my main thoughts, he actually wants to do it...no second guessing, just flat out, "lets do it!" We don't always use it...but its nice to know that its there...in  case of emergency...bored emergency....something to pass the hours away during dreary winter!! Somehow I put him off...."do it after the weekend...(I pleaded...)." He DID it yesterday...he made the call!!! Come February 7th I'll be going through detox and so will the children...who will have it worse? The KIDS or ME!? We are cutting the CABLE.........((I know, I can hear the shrills of horror now...NO cable...))

Cable is like some Family.....you don't talk to them that much, but they are there for you....when you really need them! In all honesty....there are not too many shows that I truly ENJOY...I have my FAVOURITES and I can get them on the INTERNET! Like many shows all together, you can get everything on the INTERNET....so why are we paying close to $100 every month??? Just to watch it on a BIGGER SCREEN in HD! ((nodding head YES!!)) Then you have repeats and dull shows...... I call them the reality shows....I cant stand them....!!  With that being said, its the kids that mostly watch their shows on both TV's......and those can be seen on the INTERNET! But why do I feel like I am loosing a DEAR FRIEND!!?? Cable was just always there...when in need...when bored....when sick.....it was and is ENTERTAINMENT!!  But I have to keep telling myself that I can get EVERYTHING ON THE INTERNET!!! Right!? My new mantra....."I get everything on the Internet!!"

Its funny how much we rely on technology to pass the day....how many times are YOU on the INTERNET and watching TELEVISION!? Perhaps we have become addicted?? What happened to the olden days when kids PLAYED outside, you actually chatted with your dinner guests instead of scrolling through your phone to see the latest news on friends, walking and actually paying attention to your surroundings?? I am HAPPY to say that I don't have a CELL PHONE!! I have a HOME PHONE...remember those!?

If you take your monthly bills...which is the most expensive(don't say Rent/Mortgage...these are an necessity)??  Its TV/PHONE/INTERNET!! That's why we are cutting CABLE!! I can watch most of everything that I want on the INTERNET!! Plus.....we will have more time for each other....being creative, reading(which I already LOVE and DO) and just being a Family!! BUT with this all said...and I do believe what I just wrote....I still have this pang, a pang of loosing a dear, dear Friend!!!

I'll let you know how it goes......if YOU see someone lingering outside your WINDOW, it could be ME...needing a LITTLE TV FIX!!

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