Welcome to my CRAZY Life!

Welcome Dear Reader!! I just want to share with YOU, some of the daily things that go on with my crazy bunch. Things that I ponder about. And things that I want to put out there...hopefully I can make you smile or ponder about the things that I do!


Friday, 12 April 2013

Leaving my BABIES........

AS you know...I have THREE ADORABLE, HELPFUL, LOVABLE yet at times CRANKY kids! And from past entries...you might know too, that Hubby and I have NEVER BEEN AWAY FROM THEM. We have only left them ONCE, overnight.....to attend a Wedding! And now almost nine years into this relationship, eight of them with KIDS....we are leaving them for a WEEK. Hubby and I are going on HOLIDAYS!! HOLIDAYS.....ALONE...NO KIDS....its FOREIGN CONCEPT to US!!
We are EXCITED and I am NERVOUS(not sure if he is...but I am)....NERVOUS for various reasons!

I am NERVOUS about leaving my HOME COUNTRY ...getting on a PLANE, flying 5HRS and LANDING in a BEAUTIFUL but UNKNOWN COUNTRY. Nervous that the PLANE might crash!  I know it wont, being a parent now...my perspective has changed.....EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED since having kids! Its NOT about ME anymore...its about THEM! We have God Parents...even though we don't go to Church.....I wanted ALL areas COVERED!!  I even decided that I want to be cremated and have some ashes spread in PEI! Let me tell you......I have ALL AREAS COVERED!! I am NERVOUS about not being at HOME with my BABIES....how will they SURVIVE!!? Which is funny,  cause I know they will survive...I have LEFT MANY NOTES/PLANS/SCHEDULES....there is no way they will get LOST! But as a PARENT....you worry!!

I am EXCITED about going away.....not having to look after the kids and all that entails with it!! You know what I mean!! Meals, laundry, cleaning, potty breaks, homework...all the daily routine of caring for three kids!! I am off for the week!!! I am EXCITED to re-connect with my Husband!! Who is this MAN I that SLEEP with and who helps me to RAISE these KIDS!? What will we talk about? Now we TALK about the KIDS, his WORK and MONEY. But being AWAY we will have to talk about something else! We will  be re-discovering each other, almost like a FIRST DATE!! Remember those?? Eeek.....

I am EXCITED and NERVOUS about getting into a bathing suit....which if you have read the previous posts, than you know all about it!!!

So much happens when you WIN a TRIP...so many  things to think about!
SO....I will part here, Dear Reader!!! I will return in about a WEEK!
AND I can guarantee you....ONCE we return and the LOVE FEST is over from the KIDS and they start to fight again....I will be WISHING to be AWAY.....BACK ON THAT BEACH!!

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